I'd like to link an older collection of links for African Power Pools / TSO-cooperations in #1218, in case somebody wants to take a look :) If I remember correctly,...
> "When the Öresund plant was projected, Eon calculated that the municipality of Lund would take its district heating from the plant. This has not happened and Öresundsverket has an...
@maxbellec the link I gave is from 2013, maybe the info is incomplete regarding district heating. Here are some figures for uniper's assets in Sweden. They report a capacity for...
@jarek here is some more support :) on you'll find a list with the installed capacities and also a list with the operating power plants (in case anything is...
I created the "historical data" label for zones with available generation data for the past. 🏷 Isn't it possible to use the real-time mix and fill the gap between the...
@brunolajoie I'd like to leave this chart here based on LCA for Germany. I had posted another part of this before (in the lignite vs. hard coal emission issue #162)....
The following document comes from the scientific service of the German parliament and is a collection of carbon emission factors for different generation types (it's from 2007!). I want...
@scriptator In general, it is not really possible to distinguish between co-generation and non-co-generation from most of our data sources. In addition, there are several different scientific approaches how to...
@jarek @christoph-puppe It could be split for the 4 TSO crontrol zones for the "production view", if such feature is doable, as all the data is disclosed by the 4...
I tried to have a look at the SOAP request stuff required for the CEPS datasource for CZ posted above by @systemcatch I'm stuck at getting data back out of...