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Mean pT Fluctuations in 13 TeV pp data

Open bushali opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

The task for Mean pT Fluctuations in minimum bias pp collisions at 13 TeV energy.

bushali avatar Sep 28 '22 07:09 bushali

55238e41af504e88017c89bb78fa99277634acf8: approval required: 1 of @Katka19 (Katarina Gajdosova), @KonstantinMikhaylov (Konstantin Mikhaylov), @abilandz (Ante Bilandzic), @altsybee (Igor Altsybeev), @aohlson (Alice Ohlson), @atimmins (Anthony Robert Timmins), @chiarazampolli (Chiara Zampolli), @davidrohr (David Rohr), @dongjokim (Dong Jo Kim), @erogocha (Elena Rogochaya), @jgrosseo (Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus), @jniedzie (Jeremi Niedziela), @ktf (Giulio Eulisse), @lgraczykCern (Lukasz Kamil Graczykowski), @lhusova (Lucia Anna Husova), @loizides (Constantinos Loizides), @majanik (Malgorzata Anna Janik), @marslandALICE (Mesut Arslandok), @pchrista (Panos Christakoglou), @pkarczma (Przemyslaw Karczmarczyk), @pzhristov (Peter Hristov), @qgp (Jochen Klein), @raquishp (Raquel Quishpe Quishpe), @rihanphys (Md Rihan Haque), @sartozza (Valentina Mantovani Sarti), @sawenzel (Sandro Christian Wenzel), @shahor02 (Ruben Shahoyan), @sumitbasu-wayne (Sumit Basu), @victor-gonzalez (Victor Gonzalez), @vvislavi (Vytautas Vislavicius), @wrzesaCERN (Wioleta Rzesa), @yzhouCERN (You Zhou), @zumoravc (Zuzana Moravcova)

Comment with +1 to approve and allow automatic merging,or with +test to run tests only. Please comment on the pull request: click here and comment at the bottom of the page.

alibuild avatar Sep 28 '22 07:09 alibuild

@alibuild As I understand, to be able to merge the task into the main branch a single approval (from the list of people available to approve) is required. My task has already been approved by @abilandz (Ante Bilandzic) but still it is not merged with the main branch. Is there anything else required for merging? Am I missing something?

bushali avatar Oct 26 '22 11:10 bushali


abilandz avatar Oct 28 '22 10:10 abilandz

55238e41af504e88017c89bb78fa99277634acf8: approved: will be automatically merged on successful tests

alibuild avatar Oct 28 '22 10:10 alibuild