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建议增加个前端css js缓存配置的控制.
Please make sure of the following things
- [X] I have read the documentation.
- [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions.
- [X] I'm sure this feature is not implemented.
- [X] I'm sure it's a reasonable and popular requirement.
Description of the feature / 需求描述
通过反向代理/cdn能实现js/css/jpg的缓存. 不过对于大部分人来说, 需求可能只是简单的网盘, 这么折腾太麻烦了.
Suggested solution / 实现思路
建议做成设置或者配置. 而不是一刀切, 否则会一些诡异的想象, 特别对新手来说, 有时候明明后台改了代码, 前台刷新就是不变更. 会摸不着头脑.
Additional context / 附件
No response
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好奇怪, 我今天加了cdn后, 在同样是无缓存的情况下, 速度能快了2倍. 想不通, golang处理静态内容真的这么烂? 没道理啊.
后端并没有做静态资源缓存 属于浏览器默认行为 强制刷新即可
Hello @nuan1989, this issue will not be worked on and will be closed. 你好 @nuan1989,这不会被处理,将被关闭。