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Raft algorithm implementation in Scala
An implementation of the Raft distributed consensus algorithm written in Scala with Cats library.
Implemented features
- Leader Election
- Log replication
- Cluster configuration
- Log Compaction
Complete example implementation can be found on https://github.com/alirezameskin/raft4s-kvstore-example
SBT settings
resolvers += "raft4s".at("https://maven.pkg.github.com/alirezameskin/raft4s")
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.alirezameskin" %% "raft4s-effect" % "0.0.3"
"com.github.alirezameskin" %% "raft4s-grpc" % "0.0.3"
Defining a StateMachine and Commands
package demo
import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import raft4s.{ReadCommand, StateMachine, WriteCommand}
import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
case class SetCommand(key: String, value: String) extends WriteCommand[String]
case class DeleteCommand(key: String) extends WriteCommand[Unit]
case class GetCommand(key: String) extends ReadCommand[String]
class KvStateMachine(lastIndex: Ref[IO, Long], map: Ref[IO, Map[String, String]]) extends StateMachine[IO] {
override def applyWrite: PartialFunction[(Long, WriteCommand[_]), IO[Any]] = {
case (index, SetCommand(key, value)) =>
for {
_ <- map.update(_ + (key -> value))
_ <- lastIndex.set(index)
} yield value
case (index, DeleteCommand(key)) =>
for {
_ <- map.update(_.removed(key))
_ <- lastIndex.set(index)
} yield ()
override def applyRead: PartialFunction[ReadCommand[_], IO[Any]] = {
case GetCommand(key) =>
for {
items <- map.get
_ = println(items)
} yield items(key)
override def appliedIndex: IO[Long] = lastIndex.get
override def takeSnapshot(): IO[(Long, ByteBuffer)] =
for {
items <- map.get
index <- lastIndex.get
bytes = serialize(items)
} yield (index, bytes)
override def restoreSnapshot(index: Long, bytes: ByteBuffer): IO[Unit] =
for {
_ <- map.set(deserialize(bytes))
_ <- lastIndex.set(index)
} yield ()
private def serialize(items: Map[String, String]): ByteBuffer = {
val stream: ByteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(stream)
private def deserialize(bytes: ByteBuffer): Map[String, String] = {
val ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes.array()))
val response = ois.readObject().asInstanceOf[Map[String, String]]
object KvStateMachine {
def empty: IO[KvStateMachine] =
for {
index <- Ref.of[IO, Long](0L)
map <- Ref.of[IO, Map[String, String]](Map.empty)
} yield new KvStateMachine(index, map)
Creating the cluster
package demo
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp, Resource}
import io.odin.consoleLogger
import raft4s.effect.rpc.grpc.io.implicits._
import raft4s.effect.storage.memory.MemoryStorage
import raft4s.effect.{odinLogger, RaftCluster}
import raft4s.{Cluster, Configuration, Node}
object SampleKVApp extends IOApp {
val config = Configuration(Node("localhost", 8090), List.empty)
implicit val logger = odinLogger[IO](consoleLogger())
override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
makeCluster(config).use { cluster =>
for {
leader <- cluster.start
_ <- IO(println(s"Election is completed. Leader is ${leader}"))
_ <- cluster.execute(SetCommand("key", "value"))
_ <- IO(println("Set command is executed"))
result <- cluster.execute(GetCommand("key"))
_ <- IO(println(s"Result of the get command is : ${result}"))
} yield ExitCode.Success
private def makeCluster(config: Configuration): Resource[IO, Cluster[IO]] =
for {
stateMachine <- Resource.liftF(KvStateMachine.empty)
storage <- Resource.liftF(MemoryStorage.empty[IO])
cluster <- RaftCluster.resource(config, storage, stateMachine)
} yield cluster