s-ui copied to clipboard
subconverter form
The transport type did not contains tcp,thus subconverter couldn't recoginize
There os no TCP trasport type in SingBox. When transport is disabled, is will be pure TCP
There os no TCP trasport type in SingBox. When transport is disabled, is will be pure TCP
well,even there is no tcp option,but the subscribe link should add the tcp,otherwise client or subconverter will not recoginze the url as the right link.
here is the log in nekoray:
s-ui:vless://[email protected]:10086/?type=none&security=tls&sni=hk.ag.now.cc&flow=xtls-rprx-vision#%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AFvless
the x-ui link:vless://[email protected]:49716?type=tcp&security=tls&sni=hk.ag.now.cc&flow=xtls-rprx-vision&fp=chrome#a|[email protected]
cant edit http Response and Response header,just can use simple tcp connection so isn't effective
It is only Nekoray! All other xray based clients (specially old one) uses 'none' as type. Actually it is an unsupported feature in Nekoray!
As far as they support tcp as type as well, I will change it.
It is fixed now. Please wait till next version.