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Tags page in the website

Open mosteo opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Having a tag list/cloud could be a nice visual addition. Although tags already are searchable and navigable from another crate, this might raise awareness about existing tags.

mosteo avatar May 18 '21 10:05 mosteo

We could have a tags page in same vain as the crates page, plan:

  1. Create (from that creates _data/tags.json. Call it from tags.json has array of crate names while at it.
  2. Create like for each letter in the alphabet a section with tags. Tag links to search like on the crate pages.
  3. Append to header_pages in _config.yml.

@Fabien-Chouteau ?

jquorning avatar Mar 18 '22 12:03 jquorning

Sounds doable, but maybe do it from instead of making another script. And also I would add a link in the crates like the network, but not in the top menu.

Fabien-Chouteau avatar Mar 21 '22 09:03 Fabien-Chouteau