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Self-build generates wrong OS

Open simonjwright opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments

Found on macOS, don’t know whether it happens with others.

With your released alr 1.2.0 for macOS, alr version reports os: MACOS.

Building 877ef22 (1.3.0-dev) with alr 1.2.0, alr version reports os: LINUX.

Building it with gprbuild, alr version reports os: MACOS.

(by the way, why is alr version’s report double-spaced?)

simonjwright avatar Jun 09 '22 10:06 simonjwright

Is environment variable OS=macOS?

jquorning avatar Jun 09 '22 12:06 jquorning

This is a rebuild using release 1.2.0 (I get the same effect using 1.3.0-dev).

lockheed:alire simon$ 1.2.0/bin/alr clean
lockheed:alire simon$ OS=macOS 1.2.0/bin/alr build -- -gnatwn
   [link]         alr-main.adb
Build finished successfully in 229.55 seconds.

lockheed:alire simon$ bin/alr version
alr version:               1.3-dev                                                                
libalire version:          1.3-dev                                                                
compilation date:          2022-06-09 17:01:17                                                    
compiler version:          12.1.0                                               
distribution:              DISTRO_UNKNOWN                                                         
host-arch:                 X86_64                                                                 
os:                        LINUX                                                                  
target:                    NATIVE                                                                 
toolchain:                 USER                                                                   
word-size:                 BITS_64                                              

If I say OS=macos instead, I get

lockheed:alire simon$ OS=macos 1.2.0/bin/alr build -- gnatwn
error: Trying to set an already defined environment variable:
error:    OS is already defined as 'macos' but new value is 'macOS'

which is quite confusing, but at least shows that alr 1.2.0 knows what OS to build for.

simonjwright avatar Jun 09 '22 16:06 simonjwright

Quite puzzling. And the export of OS=macOS is already in the alire.toml of alr, so it should not be needed explicitly (this is likely the cause of the conflict with OS=macos).

Unfortunately I'm a bit short on time with Ada-Europe preparations, so I'm not sure when I'll get to it, but thanks for the report and for your patience.

mosteo avatar Jun 09 '22 19:06 mosteo

OS is used by alr_env.gpr only. The project file in the manifest is alr.gpr. With gpr-set-externals changed to macos = { ALIRE_OS = "osx" } in the manifest, it works (on macOS). This issue should also be a problem on Windows.

jquorning avatar Jul 05 '22 18:07 jquorning

Thanks for the digging, Jesper.

mosteo avatar Jul 06 '22 09:07 mosteo