So since I've patched a bunch of these, I'll have to wait for a good chance to reset the server and comment the patches, but I did get the first...
The code I've provided, is the relative part in "" file, and line 29 would be this line `async def close( self, *args, **kwargs ):` Also I let the server...
Currently I'm facing something quite similar in `nchan version: 1.2.7`. I'm using django+gunicorn(wsgi) as the backend. I'm making a simple chat app, with "box" as a container with multiple "channels"...
Just to add a little bit to this issue, I tried the same with darling-dmg and had the same problem as GoByeBye, So I opened the dmg file in a...
Any news about this PR? This seems to fix all the issues I'm currently facing in my production environment!