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Elegant Error Handling for Spring Boot

Results 18 errors-spring-boot-starter issues
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@alimate I sincerely hope that this library is not a lost cause. :)Would it be possible to release version 2.0.0 which works correctly on Spring Boot 2.5? Current 1.4.0 unfortunately...

Bumps [spring-boot-starter-web]( from 2.2.0.RELEASE to 2.5.12. Release notes Sourced from spring-boot-starter-web's releases. v2.5.12 :lady_beetle: Bug Fixes MustacheAutoConfiguration in a Servlet web application fails with a ClassNotFoundException when Spring MVC is...


Bumps [spring-boot-starter-webflux]( from 2.2.0.RELEASE to 2.5.12. Release notes Sourced from spring-boot-starter-webflux's releases. v2.5.12 :lady_beetle: Bug Fixes MustacheAutoConfiguration in a Servlet web application fails with a ClassNotFoundException when Spring MVC is...


Our service uses spring-boot version 2.5.4. When trying to use errors-spring-boot-starter version 1.4.0 we get this exception at startup. ``` Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: void org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.error.DefaultErrorAttributes.(boolean) at me.alidg.errors.adapter.attributes.ReactiveErrorAttributes.( at me.alidg.errors.conf.ReactiveErrorsAutoConfiguration.errorAttributes( at...

Travis CI can cache content that does not often change, to speed up your build process.

Ideally, there should be a way to dynamically pass message instead of always getting from MessageSource. It should be pretty easy to implement e.g. HandledException can add a constructor where...

…es with a List. This allows for duplicates of the error codes to be present. This is important to support validation errors that might have the same error code on...

It would be helpful for contributors and would make code reviews much easier.