whatsapp-clone icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
whatsapp-clone copied to clipboard

Error while deploying on vercel

Open PrakharDoneria opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

[15:01:19] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1 [15:01:20] Cloning github.com/PrakharDoneria/whatsapp-clone (Branch: master, Commit: be9f12e) [15:01:20] Cloning completed: 446.042ms [15:01:20] Previous build cache not available [15:01:20] Running "vercel build" [15:01:21] Vercel CLI 33.0.1 [15:01:22] Installing dependencies... [15:01:25] npm WARN old lockfile [15:01:25] npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm, [15:01:25] npm WARN old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry. [15:01:25] npm WARN old lockfile [15:01:25] npm WARN old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient... [15:01:25] npm WARN old lockfile [15:01:53] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use your platform's native performance.now() and performance.timeOrigin. [15:01:53] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please see https://github.com/lydell/urix#deprecated [15:01:54] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Modern JS already guarantees Array#sort() is a stable sort, so this library is deprecated. See the compatibility table on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort#browser_compatibility [15:01:54] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details. [15:01:54] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-resolve#deprecated [15:01:54] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: See https://github.com/lydell/source-map-url#deprecated [15:01:54] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request-promise-native has been deprecated because it extends the now deprecated request package, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 [15:01:54] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: https://github.com/lydell/resolve-url#deprecated [15:01:55] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: some dependency vulnerabilities fixed, support for node < 10 dropped, and newer ECMAScript syntax/features added [15:01:55] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: The querystring API is considered Legacy. new code should use the URLSearchParams API instead. [15:01:56] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: request has been deprecated, see https://github.com/request/request/issues/3142 [15:01:56] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Package no longer supported. Contact Support at https://www.npmjs.com/support for more info. [15:01:56] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: use String.prototype.padStart() [15:01:57] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Please update to ini >=1.3.6 to avoid a prototype pollution issue [15:01:57] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: this library is no longer supported [15:01:58] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: flatten is deprecated in favor of utility frameworks such as lodash. [15:01:58] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This module is no longer supported. [15:01:58] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: please switch to a stable version [15:01:58] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use your platform's native DOMException instead [15:01:58] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This loader has been deprecated. Please use eslint-webpack-plugin [15:01:59] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) [15:02:00] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: This SVGO version is no longer supported. Upgrade to v2.x.x. [15:02:00] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Use your platform's native atob() and btoa() methods instead [15:02:00] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: babel-eslint is now @babel/eslint-parser. This package will no longer receive updates. [15:02:00] npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: This version has been deprecated and is no longer supported or maintained [15:02:00] npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: This version has been deprecated and is no longer supported or maintained [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: Moved to 'npm install @sideway/address' [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: This version has been deprecated and is no longer supported or maintained [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-private-methods instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-optional-catch-binding instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-logical-assignment-operators instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-json-strings instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-export-namespace-from instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-dynamic-import instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-async-generator-functions instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-unicode-property-regex instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-object-rest-spread instead. [15:02:01] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator instead. [15:02:02] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Chokidar 2 does not receive security updates since 2019. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x fewer dependencies [15:02:02] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Chokidar 2 does not receive security updates since 2019. Upgrade to chokidar 3 with 15x fewer dependencies [15:02:03] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) [15:02:03] npm WARN deprecated @hapi/[email protected]: Switch to 'npm install joi' [15:02:03] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. (https://github.com/visionmedia/debug/issues/797) [15:02:04] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-numeric-separator instead. [15:02:04] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-optional-chaining instead. [15:02:04] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator instead. [15:02:04] npm WARN deprecated @babel/[email protected]: This proposal has been merged to the ECMAScript standard and thus this plugin is no longer maintained. Please use @babel/plugin-transform-class-properties instead. [15:02:04] npm WARN deprecated @material-ui/[email protected]: You can now upgrade to @mui/system. See the guide: https://mui.com/guides/migration-v4/ [15:02:06] npm WARN deprecated @material-ui/[email protected]: Material UI v4 doesn't receive active development since September 2021. See the guide https://mui.com/material-ui/migration/migration-v4/ to upgrade to v5. [15:02:08] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js-pure@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js-pure. [15:02:08] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. [15:02:08] npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: core-js@<3.23.3 is no longer maintained and not recommended for usage due to the number of issues. Because of the V8 engine whims, feature detection in old core-js versions could cause a slowdown up to 100x even if nothing is polyfilled. Some versions have web compatibility issues. Please, upgrade your dependencies to the actual version of core-js. [15:02:09] npm WARN deprecated @material-ui/[email protected]: Material UI v4 doesn't receive active development since September 2021. See the guide https://mui.com/material-ui/migration/migration-v4/ to upgrade to v5. [15:02:11] npm WARN deprecated @material-ui/[email protected]: You can now upgrade to @mui/icons. See the guide: https://mui.com/guides/migration-v4/ [15:02:12] [15:02:12] added 1745 packages in 49s [15:02:12] [15:02:12] 71 packages are looking for funding [15:02:12] runnpm fundfor details [15:02:12] npm notice [15:02:12] npm notice New major version of npm available! 9.8.1 -> 10.2.5 [15:02:12] npm notice Changelog: <https://github.com/npm/cli/releases/tag/v10.2.5> [15:02:12] npm notice Runnpm install -g [email protected]to update! [15:02:12] npm notice [15:02:12] Detectedpackage-lock.jsongenerated by npm 7+ [15:02:12] Running "npm run build" [15:02:13] [15:02:13] > [email protected] build [15:02:13] > react-scripts build [15:02:13] [15:02:14] Creating an optimized production build... [15:02:14] Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported [15:02:14] at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:69:19) [15:02:14] at Object.createHash (node:crypto:133:10) [15:02:14] at module.exports (/vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/createHash.js:135:53) [15:02:14] at NormalModule._initBuildHash (/vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:417:16) [15:02:14] at handleParseError (/vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:471:10) [15:02:14] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:503:5 [15:02:14] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:358:12 [15:02:14] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:373:3 [15:02:14] at iterateNormalLoaders (/vercel/path0/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:214:10) [15:02:14] at iterateNormalLoaders (/vercel/path0/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:221:10) [15:02:15] /vercel/path0/node_modules/react-scripts/scripts/build.js:19 [15:02:15] throw err; [15:02:15] ^ [15:02:15] [15:02:15] Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported [15:02:15] at new Hash (node:internal/crypto/hash:69:19) [15:02:15] at Object.createHash (node:crypto:133:10) [15:02:15] at module.exports (/vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/createHash.js:135:53) [15:02:15] at NormalModule._initBuildHash (/vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:417:16) [15:02:15] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:452:10 [15:02:15] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/webpack/lib/NormalModule.js:323:13 [15:02:15] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:367:11 [15:02:15] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:233:18 [15:02:15] at context.callback (/vercel/path0/node_modules/loader-runner/lib/LoaderRunner.js:111:13) [15:02:15] at /vercel/path0/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js:59:103 { [15:02:15] opensslErrorStack: [ 'error:03000086:digital envelope routines::initialization error' ], [15:02:15] library: 'digital envelope routines', [15:02:15] reason: 'unsupported', [15:02:15] code: 'ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED' [15:02:15] ▲ System message: 💡 The "unsupported digital envelope" problem may be resolved by addingNODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-providerto your env vars [15:02:15] } [15:02:15] [15:02:15] Node.js v18.18.2 [15:02:15] Error: Command "npm run build" exited with 1 [15:02:15] [15:02:16] ▲ System message: 💡 The "unsupported digital envelope" problem may be resolved by addingNODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-providerto your env vars

PrakharDoneria avatar Jan 05 '24 09:01 PrakharDoneria

Can you add a description of the error? Issue lacks context

alii13 avatar Jan 15 '24 12:01 alii13

Soory but that what I got from vercel i forked it and added my credentials that's all and tried to host it. You can try reproducing it by doing this method

PrakharDoneria avatar Jan 15 '24 12:01 PrakharDoneria