Results 15 issues of alifeee

toggling using "alt + ," does nothing if I am on `http://localhost:8080/` (e.g., when developing websites)

closes #160 As described in #160, the repository structure is now multiple "year folders", each containing many html fragment files. These can be any name and format, and the content...

sub-expressions are very useful. They are supported by handlebars -> ![image]( For example, to use a "equality helper" in an "if helper" ```hbs {{#if (eq var1 var2)}} they are equal!...

It would be useful to be able to visit `` and it redirect you to a random theme. This could be as simple as making `?theme=random` a special endpoint, and... is no longer used for GitHub pages sites please see is the correct link example: - old, broken link: - new, fixed link: