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Cloud GPU use?

Open jamezm79 opened this issue 4 years ago • 11 comments

Hi. I have a GeForce GTX 1050i and it clearly isn’t up to the task. Performance is woeful (although Task Manager suggests only 7-8% load so maybe something else is wrong).

Is there any viable way to connect with a cloud-based GPU for a fee whilst still using my local webcam?

jamezm79 avatar Apr 22 '20 21:04 jamezm79

This worked for me:

On my laptop, I installed nginx as rtmp server & OBS to stream my webcam to Cloud machine. Created a VPN for free with Hamachi. (you have to start the rtmp server on the new VPN ip address.) In the videocaptureasync.py file, change self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.src) to self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(' your rtmp url ').

Good luck!

jenssalu avatar Apr 23 '20 14:04 jenssalu

@jenssalu Thanks for sharing your idea, but I find it a little too brief to follow. It's not clear where you are setting up what. So can you please expand your method a little more, and perhaps we can put it in the FAQ? Also, what is the latency and frame rate you get from this?

E3V3A avatar Apr 24 '20 09:04 E3V3A

PS. PR #74 is adding remote GPU support, but it's still in testing stage. Maybe some updates from the devs? @alievk ?

E3V3A avatar Apr 24 '20 21:04 E3V3A

I tried the idea written by @jenssalu. The results are very poor - 1 FPS - likely due to all the network latencies. I would suggest using hardwired (ethernet) connections and avoid WiFi to see if you'll get more luck than I did.

Here's what I did for my Windows-only attempt.

Setup I created an NVIDIA Quadro Virtual Workstation on Microsoft Azure.

I installed Hamachi on both my video capture machine and on my NVIDIA VM. I created a VPN to join the 2 computers together.

On video capture machine (instructions adapted from here):

  1. Install a version of nginx that packages the RTMP module. I extracted http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/download/nginx% to c:\nginx.
  2. Put this nginx.conf file into c:\nginx\conf.
  3. Install OBS.
  4. Launch OBS and set your stream target as:
  • Service: Custom
  • Server: rtmp://
  • Stream Key: test
  1. In OBS, add your webcam as a source.
  2. In a command prompt, run c:\nginx\nginx.exe to launch the server.
  3. Use a browser to navigate to http://[Hamachi VPN IP address]:8080 to verify server is working.
  4. In OBS, click Start Streaming button.
  5. Verify stream by opening rtmp://[VPN IP address]/live/test in VLC Player as a network stream.
  6. Click Stop Streaming button.


  1. Run through all instructions to install avatarify.
  2. In videocaptureasync.py file, make change so: self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture('rtmp://[VPN IP address]/live/test')


  1. Start streaming using OBS.
  2. In VM, launch run_windows.bat in a command prompt.

maxxwizard avatar Apr 25 '20 00:04 maxxwizard

@maxxwizard, Nice! That's almost the same setup as I did it! Thank you for completing the setup! Completely forgot it! I just run the rtmp server on my vpn ip address instead of!

My laptop (GeForce GTX 1050) got an fps of max 6 fps! On my VM (GPU: P6000), I was able to get a fps of 16. I'm quiet happy with that result, when you consider that my webcam has a fps of 30.

The last days, I was using a poor wifi connection, but still managed to have a latency of max 1.5 seconds!

jenssalu avatar Apr 25 '20 12:04 jenssalu

@maxxwizard Great write-up, however, I am wondering why you are using a super outdated nginx? The Gryphon is >5 years old, so why are you not using the latest. Any nginx that old has a bunch of serious security vulnerabilities. I wouldn't give a server like that to my worst enemy.

Same goes for the outdated/abandoned RTMP plugin, it comes packaged with [0]. The better maintained ones seem to be [1,2] and the best one seem to be the nginx-http-flv-module in [3]. But then again,what do I know!

I'm looking to try to get this working with a more recent version nginx.


  • http://nginx.org/en/download.html
  • http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/download/
  • http://nginx-rtmp.blogspot.com/
  • https://obsproject.com/forum/resources/how-to-set-up-your-own-private-rtmp-server-using-nginx.50/
  • https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module/wiki/Directives
  • [0] https://github.com/arut/nginx-rtmp-module
  • [1] https://github.com/sergey-dryabzhinsky/nginx-rtmp-module
  • [2] https://github.com/Cooking-University/nginx-rtmp-module
  • [3] https://github.com/winshining/nginx-http-flv-module

E3V3A avatar May 01 '20 23:05 E3V3A

Ok, I now get it. From Readme nginx-win version.txt:

Commercial subscription only modules: = Streaming with nginx-rtmp-module ... rtmp, is the last free version with rtmp, we do have a rtmp special offer for the 1.9 branch (which without rtmp you could use to tcp load balance with rtmp)

I tried to install nginx 1.18.0, which are showing that it's supposedly compiled with --with-http_flv_module. However, including the config from their readme doesn't work. (It's not recognized.)

configure arguments:
 --with-http_flv_module                        <--- THIS !
 --with-openssl-opt='no-asm no-tests -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501'

Any idea how to implement and configure this?

E3V3A avatar May 02 '20 12:05 E3V3A

Filed an issue at the module page:

  • https://github.com/winshining/nginx-http-flv-module/issues/165

E3V3A avatar May 02 '20 12:05 E3V3A

Apparently the module included above with --with-http_flv_module is not the same as the one in link above...

E3V3A avatar May 15 '20 20:05 E3V3A

Now you can run on Mac with a good speed using Google Colab

alievk avatar May 24 '20 20:05 alievk

Can i use clould GPU now,because i havn't a NAVID GPU.

18845045369 avatar Nov 06 '20 12:11 18845045369