Aliaksandr Belik

Results 79 comments of Aliaksandr Belik

345 stars at the moment (v1.2.8), the popularity criteria are formally met, PR is welcome.

Wonder if this could be merged finally. Works fine as for me.

Available in [games]( bucket, added in Calinou/scoop-games#1035.

> @aliesbelik can you help me? thx Unfortunately most of my use cases with scoop involve mostly cli apps, without deep integration into the system. I guess you could try...

2 detections on virustotal for the latest version:

It requires `stable-diffusion-webui` > [Automatic1111 stable-diffusion-webui]( > Make sure--xformers and --api commandline arguments are set in your "webui-user.bat": > set COMMANDLINE_ARGS=--xformers --api which [doesn't belong to known buckets]( and couldn't...

@chawyehsu, could you please update manifest to the actual version and state, if still interested in adding to Extras. Thanks anyway.