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Read Postgres schema definitions in Go.


Schemaspy gets a schema from a PostgreSQL server as a simple Go datastructure. It describes which tables there are, their columns, &c. Schemaspy only reads; any changes to the database need to be done by other means, such as ALTER TABLE.

Use cases

how this is used:

  • a maintenance script which creates and archives partitioned tables. It needs to know which tables are there already, and which need to be created or have an outdated definition.
  • to compare on deployment the current database (as returned by schemaspy) against the wanted state, so the deploy process can warn about missing database changes.


The tests need access to a PostgreSQL server, with a database schemaspy:

# su  -c "createuser -DRS yourusername" postgres
# su  -c "createdb -O yourusername schemaspy" postgres
$ make int