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nacos 的github主页一直有写
Dynamic DNS Service
Nacos supports weighted routing, making it easier for you to implement mid-tier load balancing, flexible routing policies, flow control, and simple DNS resolution services in the production environment within your data center. It helps you to implement DNS-based service discovery easily and prevent applications from coupling to vendor-specific service discovery APIs.
根据我个人的理解,nacos-server其实并不能直接作为DNS的服务来用。 要么就要依靠在0.5版本提供的 DNS-F客户端来实现DNS能力,而DNS-F客户端又是基于coreDNS的,也就是说提供DNS-F客户端看起来仅仅是为了打通 K8S 服务发现体系,而且DNS-F看起来也很久没有更新了。