lowcode-engine copied to clipboard
Describe the bug (required) / 详细描述 bug(必填)
按照官网https://www.yuque.com/lce/usage/datasource方法,替换编辑端数据源自定义请求头 预览态请求没有问题,编辑态有问题
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. / 请提供清晰且精确的 bug 描述
To Reproduce (required) / 如何复现 bug?(必填,非常重要)
再demo中添加自定义请求头,再编辑端中数据源自动请求,未走自定义接口 关键requestHandlersMap 这个还爆红,提示无这个变量
Steps to reproduce the behavior: / 详细复现步骤: ` const requestConfig: any = { ...options, url: changeUrlByEnvi().baseMain + options.uri, method: options.method as RequestOptions['method'], data: options.params, headers: headers, params: options.method === 'POST' ? null : options.params, ...config, };
console.log('请求参数', requestConfig)
const response: objType = await axios(requestConfig);`
`(async function main() { await plugins.register(scenarioSwitcher); await registerPlugins(); // 建立监听 getMessageByEvent()
init(document.getElementById('lce-container')!, { enableCondition: true, enableCanvasLock: true, // 默认绑定变量 supportVariableGlobally: true, simulatorUrl: [ 'https://alifd.alicdn.com/npm/@alilc/lowcode-react-simulator-renderer@latest/dist/css/react-simulator-renderer.css', 'https://alifd.alicdn.com/npm/@alilc/lowcode-react-simulator-renderer@latest/dist/js/react-simulator-renderer.js' ], requestHandlersMap: { fetch: createAxiosFetchHandler() } }, preference);
English version example:
- Go to '...'
- Click on '....'
- Scroll down to '....'
- See error
- 打开 demo;
- 点击标题;
- 在右侧修改标题内容为「修改后的标题」;
- 渲染画布标题组件没有更新显示为「修改后的标题」;
Expected behavior (required) / 预期行为(必填,非常重要)
A clear and concise description of what did you expect to happen. / 请清晰和精确的描述你预期的行为
Screenshots (optional) / bug 截图(可选)
Sceenshots for further information. (If applicable.) / 一些有用的截图将会帮助我们更好的明确以及定位问题
Environments (please complete the following information) (required): / 请提供如下信息(必填)
- AliLowCodeEngine version: [e.g. 1.0.0] / 低代码引擎版本
- AliLowCodeEngineExt version: [e.g. 1.0.0] / 低代码引擎扩展包版本
- Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] / 浏览器版本
- materials / plugins / tools / 其他物料 / 插件 / 工具链版本
(this information can be collected via the manual plugin / 版本信息可通过低代码用户手册插件收集)
Additional context (optional) / 更多额外信息(可选)
Any other context of the problem here. / 可以追加更多的额外信息,帮助定位问题
This issue is stale because it has been open 10 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 2 days.
export const createAxiosFetchHandler = () => {
const request = axios.create({
timeout: 10 * 1000
options 打印的值如下:
headers: {}
isCors: true
method: "POST"
params: {app_id: '6867052548608491520', is_pagination: false}
timeout: 5000
uri: "https://www.baidu.com"
return async function (options: RuntimeOptionsConfig) {
const requestConfig = {
...options, // lowcode-engine datasource plugin 传进入来的用户配置
url: options.uri, // 矫正字段, axios 不认识 uri
...config, // 默认配置
} as AxiosRequestConfig
// 删除无用属性
;['params', 'uri'].forEach((key) => {
delete (requestConfig as any)[key]
// lowcode-engine datasource plugin 固定传入 params 字段,这里需要把 params 字段放到 axios handler 正确的位置上
switch (requestConfig.method) {
case 'POST':
requestConfig.data = options.params
requestConfig.data = options?.params?.data
requestConfig.params = options?.params?.params
const response = await request({
withCredentials: false,
return response
requestHandlersMap: {
fetch: createAxiosFetchHandler(options),
This issue is stale because it has been open 10 days with no activity. Remove stale label or comment or this will be closed in 2 days.
编辑态下当前设置的requestHandlersMap : {fetch:createFetchHandler({})},通过init方法初始化,无法成功,需要手动setConfig设置一下
console.log("config配置参数", config)
初始化完毕后,可以通过 console.log("config配置参数", config),确认是否正确的加载requestHandlersMap
import { init, config } from '@alilc/lowcode-engine';
(async function main() {
await registerPlugins();
const options = {
requestHandlersMap : {fetch:createFetchHandler({})},
appHelper: { // 传给编辑态的 appHelper
constants: {
utils: {
// ...appHelper.utils,
// designMode: 'live',
// locale: 'zh-CN',
enableCondition: true,
enableCanvasLock: true,
// 默认绑定变量
supportVariableGlobally: true,
// simulatorUrl 在当 engine-core.js 同一个父路径下时是不需要配置的!!!
// 这里因为用的是 alifd cdn,在不同 npm 包,engine-core.js 和 react-simulator-renderer.js 是不同路径
simulatorUrl: [
init(document.getElementById('lce-container')!, options, preference);
console.log("config配置参数", config)
参考了 #696 的写法