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feat: add useProState hook
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🔗 Related issue link
close: https://github.com/alibaba/hooks/issues/2432
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Language | Changelog |
🇺🇸 English | add useProState |
🇨🇳 Chinese |
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这个往 v4 分支合
Thank you for your submission! We really appreciate it. Like many open source projects, we ask that you all sign our Contributor License Agreement before we can accept your contribution.
5 out of 6 committers have signed the CLA.
:white_check_mark: guoyunhe
:white_check_mark: coding-ice
:white_check_mark: joe-leong
:white_check_mark: guaijie
:white_check_mark: LonelyFellas
:x: crazylxr
You have signed the CLA already but the status is still pending? Let us recheck it.
我这里改写setState,在setState之前获取要赋值的新值,塞给ref,这样ref就能同步获取到最新的值了, 大佬们看看这样是否可行,有什么隐患
import { useState, type Dispatch, type SetStateAction, useCallback, useRef } from 'react';
import { isFunction } from 'ahooks/es/utils';
export type SetMergeState<S extends Record<string, never>> = <K extends keyof S>(
state: Pick<S, K> | null | ((prevState: Readonly<S>) => Pick<S, K> | S | null),
) => void;
export type DispatchType<S> = Dispatch<SetStateAction<S>>;
function useProState<S extends Record<string, never>>(
initialState?: S | (() => S),
): [
setState: DispatchType<S>;
getState: () => S;
resetState: () => void;
setMergeState: SetMergeState<S>;
function useProState<S>(initialState?: S | (() => S)): [
setState: DispatchType<S>;
getState: () => S;
resetState: () => void;
setMergeState: (s: Record<string, never>) => void;
function useProState<S>(initialState: S) {
const [state, setStatePrivate] = useState<S>(initialState);
const currentStateRef = useRef(state);
const setState = useCallback((patch: unknown) => {
const newState = isFunction(patch) ? patch(state) : patch;
currentStateRef.current = newState;
}, [state]);
const getState = useCallback(() => currentStateRef.current, []);
const resetState = useCallback(() => {
}, []);
const setMergeState = useCallback((patch: unknown) => {
const newState = isFunction(patch) ? patch(state) : patch;
const result = newState ? { ...state, ...newState } : state;
currentStateRef.current = result;
}, [state]);
return [state, { setState, getState, resetState, setMergeState }];
export default useProState;
目前的getState还是不能实时获取到期待的setState之后的值,见这个issues,#2631 我这里改写setState,在setState之前获取要赋值的新值,塞给ref,这样ref就能同步获取到最新的值了, 大佬们看看这样是否可行,有什么隐患
import { useState, type Dispatch, type SetStateAction, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import { isFunction } from 'ahooks/es/utils'; export type SetMergeState<S extends Record<string, never>> = <K extends keyof S>( state: Pick<S, K> | null | ((prevState: Readonly<S>) => Pick<S, K> | S | null), ) => void; export type DispatchType<S> = Dispatch<SetStateAction<S>>; function useProState<S extends Record<string, never>>( initialState?: S | (() => S), ): [ S, { setState: DispatchType<S>; getState: () => S; resetState: () => void; setMergeState: SetMergeState<S>; }, ]; function useProState<S>(initialState?: S | (() => S)): [ S, { setState: DispatchType<S>; getState: () => S; resetState: () => void; setMergeState: (s: Record<string, never>) => void; }, ]; function useProState<S>(initialState: S) { const [state, setStatePrivate] = useState<S>(initialState); const currentStateRef = useRef(state); const setState = useCallback((patch: unknown) => { const newState = isFunction(patch) ? patch(state) : patch; setStatePrivate(newState); currentStateRef.current = newState; }, [state]); const getState = useCallback(() => currentStateRef.current, []); const resetState = useCallback(() => { setState(initialState); }, []); const setMergeState = useCallback((patch: unknown) => { const newState = isFunction(patch) ? patch(state) : patch; const result = newState ? { ...state, ...newState } : state; setStatePrivate(result); currentStateRef.current = result; }, [state]); return [state, { setState, getState, resetState, setMergeState }]; } export default useProState;
可以考虑一下, @coding-ice 你看看呢,获取最新值的问题