GraphScope copied to clipboard
[BUG] Mac M2 computer, installing gs/interactive encounters an error.
Describe the bug Mac M2 computer, installing gs/interactive encounters an error.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
download resource :
interactive bin/gs_interactive destroy
py39) ➜ interactive bin/gs_interactive destroy
[2023-12-20 15:16:06] -INFO- HOST_DB_HOME = /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive
[2023-12-20 15:16:06] -INFO- Finish create log dir
[2023-12-20 15:16:07] -INFO- process GraphServer is not running in container interactive-server
[2023-12-20 15:16:07] -INFO- process interactive_server is not running in container interactive-server
Are you sure to destroy the database? [y/n]y
[2023-12-20 15:16:09] -INFO- Destroying database...
Sorry, try again.
[2023-12-20 15:16:18] -INFO- Finish destroy database
- exec
bin/gs_interactive init -c conf/interactive.yaml
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- HOST_DB_HOME = /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Finish create log dir
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Start initiating database...
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Check running containers and exit
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- finish check
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Ok, no running instance found, start init database...
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Found docker db home: /home/graphscope/workspace/
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Found databse version: 10ecb95-aarch64
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Found host path: /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/examples/modern_graph/
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Found host path: /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/data
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Found docker volumes: -v /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/examples/modern_graph/:/home/graphscope/gs_interactive_default_graph -v /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/data:/home/graphscope/workspace//data
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Found docker port: -p 7687:7687 -p 10000:10000 -p 7777:7777
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Running cmd: docker run -it -d --privileged --name interactive-server -p 7687:7687 -p 10000:10000 -p 7777:7777 -v /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/examples/modern_graph/:/home/graphscope/gs_interactive_default_graph -v /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/data:/home/graphscope/workspace//data bash
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Finish init database
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- stored type : true
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Finish amplify schema file /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/examples/modern_graph/modern_graph.yaml to /tmp//graph0.yaml
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Check graph whether is not running
[2023-12-20 15:16:41] -INFO- Check lock file /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/.lock
Successfully copied 3.58kB to interactive-server:/home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/graph.yaml
Successfully copied 3.58kB to interactive-server:/home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/graph0.yaml
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Successfuly create graph [gs_interactive_default_graph]
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Import data to graph [gs_interactive_default_graph] from /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/examples/modern_graph/bulk_load.yaml
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- container interactive-server is running
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- bulk_load_file /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive/examples/modern_graph/bulk_load.yaml exists
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Check graph whether is not running
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Check lock file /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/.lock
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Graph Schema exists
Successfully copied 4.1kB to interactive-server:/tmp//bulk_load.yaml
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Running cmd: /opt/flex/bin/bulk_loader -g /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/graph.yaml -l /tmp//bulk_load.yaml -d /home/graphscope/workspace//data//gs_interactive_default_graph/indices
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I1220 15:16:42.651258 87] Registering loader: file, format:csv
I1220 15:16:42.651477 87] Registering loader: odps, format:arrow
I1220 15:16:42.653364 87] Parse stored_procedures
I1220 15:16:42.653872 87] scheme: file, data_location: /home/graphscope/gs_interactive_default_graph/, method: init, delimiter: |, include header row: true
I1220 15:16:42.653999 87] Successfully parsed vertex mapping size: 1
I1220 15:16:42.654377 87] Successfully parsed vertex mapping size: 2
I1220 15:16:42.654590 87] Try to parse 2 edge configuration
I1220 15:16:42.661477 87] Loading vertices with single thread...
I1220 15:16:42.670364 87] Loading edges with single thread...
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Successfuly import data to graph [gs_interactive_default_graph]
[2023-12-20 15:16:42] -INFO- Successfuly create and import default graph: [gs_interactive_default_graph]
- exec
interactive bin/gs_interactive service start
(py39) ➜ interactive bin/gs_interactive service start
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- HOST_DB_HOME = /Users/pomelo/Desktop/graphscope/interactive
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- Finish create log dir
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- Starting database...
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- engine config file is not specified, using default engine config
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- Finish generate config file /tmp//real_engine_config.yaml
Successfully copied 2.56kB to interactive-server:/home/graphscope/workspace//conf/engine_config.yaml
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- graph [gs_interactive_default_graph] exists, start it
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- No running database found, do nothing
[2023-12-20 15:17:02] -INFO- No graph is running
[2023-12-20 15:17:09] -INFO- Successfuly stop database
[2023-12-20 15:17:09] -INFO- container interactive-server is running
Successfully copied 3.58kB to /tmp/graph0.yaml
Error response from daemon: Could not find the file /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/plugins/.enable in container interactive-server
[2023-12-20 15:17:09] -INFO- enable file /tmp//.enable not exists, all stored procedure are enabled
Successfully copied 3.58kB to interactive-server:/home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/graph.yaml
[2023-12-20 15:17:09] -INFO- Finish update graph yaml with procedure enabling, add stored proc.edures of size 0.
[2023-12-20 15:17:09] -INFO- In start datebase, received graph_name = gs_interactive_default_graph, engine_config_file =
Running cmd: docker exec interactive-server bash -c " /opt/flex/bin/interactive_server -c /home/graphscope/workspace//conf/engine_config.yaml -g /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/graph.yaml --data-path /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/indices > /home/graphscope/workspace//logs/server.log 2>&1 & "
[2023-12-20 15:17:13] -ERROR- process /opt/flex/bin/interactive_server is not running in container interactive-server
[2023-12-20 15:17:13] -ERROR- , use gs_interactive service get_log -o [dir] to see get logs
- exec
docker exec interactive-server cat /home/graphscope/workspace/logs/server.log
(py39) ➜ interactive docker exec interactive-server cat /home/graphscope/workspace/logs/server.log
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I1220 15:17:09.336203 130] Registering loader: file, format:csv
I1220 15:17:09.336381 130] Registering loader: odps, format:arrow
I1220 15:17:09.345469 130] Start query service only
I1220 15:17:09.346879 130] Parse stored_procedures
I1220 15:17:09.346899 130] Parse directory: not-a-directory
E1220 15:17:09.346935 130] plugin directory - not-a-directory not found, try with parent dir:/home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph
E1220 15:17:09.347002 130] plugin directory - /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/not-a-directory not found...
I1220 15:17:09.347071 130] codegen dir not exists, create directory
I1220 15:17:09.347149 130] codegen-bin is not specified
I1220 15:17:09.347178 130] infer flex_home as installed, flex_home: /opt/flex
I1220 15:17:09.347203 130] CodegenProxy working dir: /tmp/codegen/,codegen bin /opt/flex/bin/, ir compiler prop /home/graphscope/workspace//conf/engine_config.yaml, compiler graph schema /home/graphscope/workspace//data/gs_interactive_default_graph/graph.yaml
copy_file_range: Invalid cross-device link
Environment (please complete the following information):
- GraphScope version: 0.24.0
- OS: MacOS 14.1.2
- Kubernetes Version : v1.28.2
It seems to be the problem of the kernel's support for copy_file_range
You may retry to verify whether the bug has been fixed :)