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Unify log and error report for easier trouble shooting
Motivations and proposal
- a unified error code, easy to find a concrete reason for failure.
- easy to identify which engine; Within each engine, it can have its own status code.
- easy to find which machine(node), and easy to get the full log.
- no engine should revise/omit the original error info.
Current status
- vineyard/gie are using status codes.
- coordinator would convert to internal error
- enumerate the status code: TBF
Proposal update:
- Append error code, error type and engine to error message.
** deprecated!!!**
- Each engine can maintain its original status code
- Add a unified
to indicate the status belong to which engine - Revise the
implementation to check the error
- Status Code (assume is analytical engine)
Enum class StatusCode {
Ok = 0;
Invalid = 1;
Unknown = 255;
- Engine Identifier
Enum class EngineIdentifier {
null = 0;
analytical = 1;
interactive = 2;
learning = 3;
vineyard = 4;
graphar = 5;
gart = 6;
- Status Implementation
replace the
value type fromStatusCode
, which high 16 bits store the engine identifier, the low 16 bits store the status code
// assume this is Status of analytical engine
class Status {
Status(uint32_t code, std::string message);
Status InvalidError(std::string message) {
return Status(((static_cast<uint32_t>(EngineIdentifier::analytical) << 16) | static_cast<uint32_t>(ErrorCode::Invalid)), message);
// check is invalid error occur in analytical engine.
bool IsInvalid() {
return static_cast<EngineIdentifier>(code_ >> 16) == EngineIdentifier::analytical && static_cast<ErrorCode>(code_ & 0xFF) == ErrorCode::Invalid;
// check is error occur in vineyard module.
bool IsVineyardError() {
return static_cast<EngineIdentifier>(code_ >> 16) == EngineIdentifier::vineyard;
uint32_t code_;
std::string message;
Corner cases
Status codes of each engine
Code | Number | Description |
OK | 0 | Not an error; returned on success. |
Invalid | 1 | Invalid data, for example a string that fails parsing. |
KeyError | 2 | Failed key lookups (e.g. column name in a table). |
TypeError | 3 | Type errors (such as mismatching data types). |
IOError | 4 | IO errors (e.g. Failed to open or read from a file). |
EndOfFile | 5 | Reader reaches at the end of file. |
NotImplemented | 6 | An operation or a combination of operation and data types is unimplemented. |
AssertionFailed | 7 | The condition assertion is false. |
UserInputError | 8 | Invalid user input. |
ObjectExists | 11 | The object exists if the user are still trying to creating such object. |
ObjectNotExists | 12 | The object exists if the user are still trying to creating such object. |
ObjectSealed | 13 | The object has already been sealed. |
ObjectNotSealed | 14 | The object hasn't been sealed yet. |
ObjectIsBlob | 15 | Unsupported operations on blob objects. |
ObjectTypeError | 16 | Cast object to mismatched types. |
ObjectSpilled | 17 | The object has already been spilled. |
ObjectNotSpilled | 18 | The object is not spilled yet. |
MetaTreeInvalid | 21 | Metatree related error occurs. |
MetaTreeTypeInvalid | 22 | The "typename" field in metatree is invalid. |
MetaTreeTypeNotExists | 23 | The "typename" field not exists in metatree. |
MetaTreeNameInvalid | 24 | The "id" field in metatree is invalid. |
MetaTreeNameNotExists | 25 | The "id" field not exists in metatree. |
MetaTreeLinkInvalid | 26 | A field in metatree is expected to be a link but it isn't. |
MetaTreeSubtreeNotExists | 27 | Expected subtree doesn't exist in metatree. |
VineyardServerNotReady | 31 | The requested vineyard server is not ready yet. |
ArrowError | 32 | Arrow related error occurs. |
ConnectionFailed | 33 | Client failed to connect to vineyard server. |
ConnectionError | 34 | Client losts connection to vineyard server. |
EtcdError | 35 | The vineyard server meets an etcd related error. |
AlreadyStopped | 36 | The object has already been stopped. |
RedisError | 37 | The vineyard server meets an redis related error. |
NotEnoughMemory | 41 | The vineyard server cannot allocate more memory blocks. |
StreamDrained | 42 | There's no more chunks in the stream. |
StreamFailed | 43 | The stream has failed. |
InvalidStreamState | 44 | Internal invalid state found for stream. |
StreamOpened | 45 | The stream has been opened. |
GlobalObjectInvalid | 51 | Invalid global object structure. |
UnknownError | 255 | Unknown errors. |
Code | Number | Description |
OK | 0 | Not an error; returned on success. |
KeyError | 1 | error status for failed key lookups |
TypeError | 2 | error status for type errors |
Invalid | 3 | error status for invalid data |
IndexError | 4 | error status when an index is out of bounds |
OutOfMemory | 5 | error status for out-of-memory conditions |
IOError | 6 | error status when some IO-related operation failed |
YamlError | 7 | error status some yaml parse related operation failed, use to catch mini-yaml raised error |
ArrowError | 8 | error status when some arrow-related operation failed |
UnknownError | 9 | error status for unknown errors |
Interactive engine
Currently, GIE defines Error in each layer:
Code | Number | Description |
OK | 0 | Not an error; returned on success. |
AntlrParseException | - | antlr parse error |
GraphLabelNotFoundException | - | cannot find given label from the schema |
GraphPropertyNotFountException | - | cannot find given property from the schema |
GraphMisMatchTypeException | - | cannot apply operations on specific type, i.e. get properties from non-node/edge types. |
GraphMisMatchOperandsException | - | cannot apply operands to operator |
IR :
Code | Number | Description |
OK | 0 | Not an error; returned on success |
ParseExprError | 1 | Parse an expression error |
MissingDataError | 2 | Missing necessary data |
CStringError | 3 | The error while transforming from C-like string, aka char* |
UnknownTypeError | 4 | The provided data type is unknown |
InvalidRangeError | 5 | The provided range is invalid |
NegativeIndexError | 6 | The given index is negative |
BuildJobError | 7 | Build Physical Plan Error |
ParsePbError | 8 | Parse protobuf error |
ParentNotFoundError | 9 | The parent of an operator cannot be found |
ColumnNotExistError | 10 | A column (property) does not exist in the store |
TableNotExistError | 11 | A table (label) does not exist in the store |
TagNotExistError | 12 | A queried tag has not been specified |
UnSupported | 13 | An unsupported error |
Others | 14 | other errors. |
Runtime (no number defined yet):
Code | Number | Description |
OK | 0 | Not an error; returned on success |
FnGenDecodeOpError | - | Decode pb structure error |
FnGenParseError | - | Parse pb structure error |
FnGenUnsupportedError | - | An unsupported error in udf gen |
FnExecNullGraphError | - | The graph is not registered in engine |
FnExecGetTagError | - | A tagged column does not exist in the data |
FnExecStoreError | - | An error occurs when query the storage |
FnExecExprEvalError | - | A expression evaluation error |
FnExecUnExpectedData | - | The data type is unexpected |
FnExecAccumError | - | An error in accumulation |
FnExecUnSupported | - | An unsupported error in execution |
StoreQueryError | - | An error when querying storage |
StoreWriteError | - | An error when write a graph |
ExprEvalCastError | - | The error while casting from different data types to a general data type Object |
ExprEvalMissingContext | - | Missing context for the certain variable |
ExprEvalMissingOperands | - | The error of missing required operands in an arithmetic or logical expression |
ExprEvalEmptyExpression | - | An error where an empty expression is to be evaluated |
ExprEvalUnexpectedDataType | - | Meant to evaluate a variable, but the data type is unexpected (e.g., not a graph-element) |
ExprEvalGetNoneFromContext | - | Get None from Context |
ClusterInfoMissing | - | An error that cluster info is missing |
Code | Number | Description |
OK | 0 | Not an error; returned on success. |
KeyError | 1 | error status for failed key lookups |
TypeError | 2 | error status for type errors |
Invalid | 3 | error status for invalid data |
IndexError | 4 | error status when an index is out of bounds |
OutOfMemory | 5 | error status for out-of-memory conditions |
KafkaConnectError | 6 | error status for failed Kafka connection |
CapturerError | 7 | error status caused by the log capturer |
MsgError | 8 | error status for failed message handling |
ParseFileError | 9 | error status for parsing files |
ParseLogeError | 10 | error status for parsing logs |
OperationError | 11 | error status for operation-related errors |
ConfigError | 12 | error status for incorrect configurations |
PremisionError | 13 | error status caused incorrect premision of database users |
VineyardError | 14 | error status caused by Vineyard |
GrinError | 15 | error status caused by GRIN |
UnknownError | 16 | error status for unknown errors |
Groot use exception to handle errors
Learning engine
Code | Number | Description |
OK | 0 | Not an error; returned on success. |
Analytical Engine
Code | Number | Description |
Ok | 0 | Not an error; returned on success. |
IOError | 1 | error code for IO operation failed |
ArrowError | 2 | arrow related error occur |
VineyardError | 3 | vineyard related error occur |
UnspecificError | 4 | unknown error |
DistributedError | 5 | error for distributed job failed, error messages will be gathered |
NetworkError | 6 | network related error |
CommandError | 7 | op command receive failed |
DataTypeError | 8 | Type errors (such as mismatching data types). |
IllegalStateError | 9 | IllegalState error(such as query return a null context wrapper without error message) |
InvalidValueError | 10 | Invalid value, for example a string that fails parsing. |
InvalidOperationError | 11 | Invalid operation error, for example some operation is only available in certain fragment but called by other fragment |
UnsupportedOperationError | 12 | Unsupported operation error |
UnimplementedMethod | 13 | method unimplemented |
GraphArError | 14 | GraphAr related error |
- [ ] appends errors and all details (esp. from v6d, in coordinator...)
- [ ] log format in config
- [ ] review boost::leaf