High-Precision-Congestion-Control copied to clipboard
I'm trying to regenerate fig 11a , but some details are not clear. It is written in the paper that we "either add incast traffic to 30% load traffic or...
master,How to count the number of PFC pause frames of a node? In the pfc.txt file, there is only the pause time and recovery time of the node, and there...
Hi developers: Could you point out how to use traffic_gen to add incast traffic? I guess traffic_gen in the current repo does not include artifacts to generate incast traffic.
大佬,您好: pfc.txt文件里面数据都是这样的感觉不正常。第二列都是0,难道只有0节点才发生了pfc吗?其它的节点都没有发生pfc吗?我觉的其它的节点也会触发pfc,但是pfc这个文件没有记录下来。我该怎么去分析pfc呢? 感谢大佬!
Master, I found that HPCC can not run under 10g or 40g network bandwidth. I'm sure in topology The bandwidth under TXT file is 40g. The following error occurred. Where...
I'm capturing trace files from all nodes, but calculating throughput of a flow does not seem to be easy since traces include packet level events. I have read the HPCC...
I want to apply two conditions in trace reader. The readme says: ./trace_reader trace.tr sip=0x0b000101&dip=0x0b000201 will display only events with sip=0x0b000101 and dip=0x0b000201. But this only shows sip=0x0b000101 and ignores...
大师,感谢指点!我怕用英文标识不清楚,我就用中文了! make trace_reader可以正常运行,运行后出来一个trace_reader图标的文件。然后我运行 ./trace_reader mix_topology_flow_dcqcn.tr 没有任何反应,我想直接打开mix_topology_flow_dcqcn.tr文件还是乱码。 请问一下大佬,可能是哪里的问题的?您有遇见过这样的问题吗?感谢指点! 后面我想把我遇到的问题+解决办法,等等都分享到issue下面。哈哈哈  
Hi, Yuliang. I have a question about the _maxStage_ parameters. From the public HPCC key results, I found > Besides, HPCC’s maxStage=0, which is the same as the simulation setting...
Hi yuliang, I found a bug in DequeueAndTransmit() method of qbb-net-device.cc file. In this function, may call DequeueAndTransmit() again (because switchnotifydequeue->call->sendPfc->call DequeAndTransmit()), this behavior will abort the program.