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Solidity standard library (Array, random, math, string)

Quick overview of the library


Storage array wrapper.

UintArray contract members:

  • UintArray(uint[] data) - construct new array contract
  • min() - returns minimal array element
  • max() - returns maximal array element
  • sum() - returns sum of all array elements
  • set(uint[] arr) - assign array
  • get() - returns stored array
  • sort() - sorts all array elements

IntArray contract members:

  • IntArray(int[] data) - construct new array contract
  • min() - returns minimal array element
  • max() - returns maximal array element
  • sum() - returns sum of all array elements
  • set(int[] arr) - assign array
  • get() - returns stored array
  • sort() - sorts all array elements


Helper contract to convert strings or ints/uints.

Converter contract members:

  • toString(uint x) - converts uint to string
  • toUint(string str) - converts string to uint


Basic mathematical functions.

Math contract members:

  • sqrt(uint x) - computes square root of x
  • mexp(uint x, uint k, uint m) - computes (pow(x, k)) mod m


WARNING: These functions are used to perform low-level memory access and may cause security risk when used improperly.

STDMemory contract members:

  • m_ref_uint(uint[] arr) - returns address of arr
  • m_unref_uint(uint ptr) - returns array pointed by ptr
  • m_ref_int(int[] arr) - returns address of arr
  • m_unref_int(uint ptr) - returns array pointed by ptr


Floating point calculations. Note: double_t(1, 5) will be 1.05 but double_t(1, 50) will be 1.5 with dscale = 2 (Number of digits after dot)


   import "multiprecision.sol";
   contract Test is Double
       function test() internal
           double memory a = double_t(1, 20); // 1.20
           double memory b = double_t(0, 2); // 0.02
           double memory result = double_add(a, b); // 1.22
           a = double_t(2, 0); // 2.00
           b = double_t(1, 0); // 1.00
           a.sign = true; // -2.00
           result = double_add(a, b); // -2.00 + 1.00 = -1.00
           result = double_sub(a, b); // -2.00 - 1.00 = -3.00
           result = double_mult(a, b); // -2.00 * 1.00 = -2.00
           result = double_div(a, b); // -2.00 / 1.00 = -2.00
           dscale = 3; // change precision (.00 -> .000)
           double_t(1, 5); // now 1.005
           double_t(1, 50); // now 1.050
           double_t(1, 500); // now 1.500

Double contract members:

  • struct double - signed double representation
  • double_t(int integral, uint fractional) - creates a new double as integral.fractional
  • double_add(double a, double b) - a + b
  • double_sub(double a, double b) - a - b
  • double_mult(double a, double b) - a×b
  • double_div(double a, double b) - a / b
  • double_lt(double a, double b) - a < b
  • double_le(double a, double b) - a <= b
  • double_eq(double a, double b) - a == b
  • double_ge(double a, double b) - a >= b
  • double_gt(double a, double b) - a > b


Random number generator based on SHA3 function (not cryptographicaly secure)

Random contract members

  • rand(uint seed) - returns random unsigned int generated wuth seed
  • randint() - returns random unsigned int
  • randbytes(uint size, uint seed) - returns array of random bytes