gta5-extended-video-export copied to clipboard
GTA V Video Export Enhancement
It would be pretty neat if ffmpeg's filters would be available to be used during export process, say through a new option in our ini file. Whilst at it, note...
I noticed the mod doesn't export videos currently. I haven't had the chance to take a log file, but I'll attach one soon.
It looks like sometimes the depth buffer is already linear (I think it's when the game creates depth in a DXGI_FORMATR32G8X24_TYPELESS buffer as opposed to a DXGI_FORMAT_R24G8_TYPELESS one). I tested...
... so consequently we are linking against multiple runtimes in the resulting asi file - this is a bad idea; see We should probably build capstone ourselves with /md....
We can change the code so that FFMPEG directly uses a memory mapped ID3D11Texture2D instead of copying it using DirectXTex. It might give some speed boost and remove the dependency...
With the latest GTA update, EVE (0.5.0) no longer works at all. I've tried various different configs and removed any other mods that affect rockstar editor The export works fine...
Hello. When exporting eve is working as everything is really slow which usually means EVE is working. But the exported video is nowhere to be found even tho the output...
Hello, I am running into this problem and I was wondering if there is a fix. When I export from GTA5 there is a weird shake to some parts of...
Hi and thank you for develop this great tool! I would like to know if you could release a version without diving the recording process by clips (which depends on...