atom-autocomplete-module-import icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
atom-autocomplete-module-import copied to clipboard

⚛️ Search & install npm packages from import/require statements.

⚛️ Atom Autocomplete Module Import

Search & install NPM packages from import/require statements powered by Algolia.




This Atom Plugin allows you to quickly find and install any npm module as you are writing your require() / import statements:

  • Fast & Relevant autocomplete search powered by Algolia.
  • Install modules without having to leave Atom.
  • Yarn and NPM support.
  • Save package as dependencies, devDependencies, peerDependencies or optionalDependencies.
  • Support for require() and ES2015 import module syntax.

You can read more about the story behind in this blog post.


apm install autocomplete-module-import


In a JavaScript file type require(' (or from ') and the plugin will automatically suggest relevant packages from the NPM registry.

Once you confirm your selection, the plugin will ask if you want to install the dependency if it's not already installed.

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2017 Algolia. Code released under the MIT license.