api-clients-automation copied to clipboard
javascript: certain types aren't generic
- SearchResponse, SearchResponses should take a single generic THit
- HighlightResult and SnippetResults should take a single generic THit
SnippetResults and HighlightResult should also be recursive as in v4
declare type SnippetMatch = {
readonly value: string;
readonly matchLevel: 'none' | 'partial' | 'full';
export declare type SnippetResult<THit> = THit extends string | number ? SnippetMatch : {
[KAttribute in keyof THit]: SnippetResult<THit[KAttribute]>;
declare type HighlightMatch = {
readonly value: string;
readonly matchLevel: 'none' | 'partial' | 'full';
readonly matchedWords: readonly string[];
readonly fullyHighlighted?: boolean;
export declare type HighlightResult<THit> = THit extends string | number ? HighlightMatch : {
[KAttribute in keyof THit]?: HighlightResult<THit[KAttribute]>;
export declare type Hit<THit> = THit & {
readonly objectID: string;
readonly _highlightResult?: HighlightResult<THit>;
readonly _snippetResult?: SnippetResult<THit>;
readonly _rankingInfo?: RankingInfo;
readonly _distinctSeqID?: number;
Thanks! This is being worked on for Java and JavaScript here: https://github.com/algolia/api-clients-automation/pull/829
Should the hit be overridden by the generic ? like hits: T[]
and it's up to the user to extend its type with Hit
Should the hit be overridden by the generic ?
It should be type Hits<T> = Array<Hit<T>>
and type Hit<T = Record<string, any>> = T & { ...baseProps }
Okay so the generic logic will be exclusively for hits, it would be hard to make it work with other generic type
Is there a plan for Highlight and Snippet to be correct as well?
Not for now as we have other priorities, but if you have an implementation in mind feel free to contribute!
customer found this too: https://github.com/algolia/algoliasearch-client-javascript/issues/1534