MapUncertaintyPrediction copied to clipboard
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 3-dimensional, but 4 were indexed
python --version mini --dataroot ../nuscenes --split val --trj_pred HiVT --map MapTR --trj_data ../trj_data/maptrv2/val_1/data --base_results /MapUncertaintyPrediction-main/HiVT_modified/result_maptrv2_base.pkl --unc_results /MapUncertaintyPrediction-main/HiVT_modified/result_maptrv2_unc.pkl --boxes /MapUncertaintyPrediction-main/HiVT_modified/bbox.pkl --save_path /MapUncertaintyPrediction-main/HiVT_modified/vis_files
This is the command I executed, but I got this error.
I tried to output the matrix shape of hivt trj, and it showed (6, 20, 4).
Why does this error occur, and how can I fix it? thanks,I'm afraid to modify the code randomly.🥲