ob-restclient.el copied to clipboard
An org-mode extension to restclient.el
ob-restclient.el [[https://melpa.org/#/ob-restclient][file:https://melpa.org/packages/ob-restclient-badge.svg]]
An extension to restclient.el for emacs that provides org-babel support.
To get started, install =ob-restclient.el= and add =(restclient . t)= to =org-babel-load-languages=:
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '((restclient . t))) #+END_SRC
You can then execute the query by pressing =C-c C-c= on the source-block header.
header arguments for =:results raw|value|pure|table= will make a clean result containing solely the response, and =:jq PATTERN= will post-process the response by passing the value to =jq=, provided the binary exists at a location specified by =org-babel-restclient--jq-path=
#+BEGIN_SRC org ,#+BEGIN_SRC restclient GET http://example.com ,#+END_SRC
,#+RESULTS: ,#+BEGIN_SRC html <!doctype html> <html> <head> ... </head> </html> ,#+END_SRC
You can pass variables into the block using :var header arguments. For example:
#+BEGIN_SRC org ,#+name: example_host ,#+BEGIN_SRC elisp "example.com" ,#+END_SRC
,#+BEGIN_SRC restclient :var host=example_host :var foo="example" :var bar=42 GET http://:host?foo=:foo&bar=:bar ,#+END_SRC
See [[https://github.com/pashky/restclient.el][restclient.el]] for documentation and examples of usage.
Alf Lervåg