Alf Lervåg

Results 23 comments of Alf Lervåg

Feel free to open an issue. It's a good feature request and I agree with pashky that it belongs in ob-restclient.

This could be related to curl not working properly on your system. Try to `customize-variable request-log-level` and check the output in `request-log-buffer-name` (default is `" *request-log*"`. If your problem is...

Any recommended workarounds/solutions for when you need to call a system package in Oracle that you haven't generated jOOQ code for? Specifically I need to call `Dbms_Lock.Allocate_Unique_Autonomous`, but find no...

The column we store the data in is CLOB. No particular reason other than the 4k character limit of VARCHAR which we haven’t bumped to 32k as far as I’m...

Is it possible to find the parent table of an embedded primary key given just the embedded record?

Created feature request:

Happy to oblige. Our strategy of mapping our GraphQL schema against code generated by jOOQ is working really well. We're now adding support for mapping a field in our GraphQL...

Yes, we can work around this by adding an extra configuration file that lets us extend what we can get from jOOQ. We’ll build this feature now on top of...

I might have formulated myself poorly here. What I mean is that I now consider it better to let jOOQ generate code from the underlying schemas directly, as opposed to...