config icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
config copied to clipboard

My "dot" (configuration) files

** About

This repository contains:

  • My configuration files (aka "dot-files") for various programs. But not all: several "big" (usually programmable) configs (for guix, emacs, stumpwm, etc.) live in their own repositories (they may be found in [[]] group).

  • A tool (=config.scm= Guile script) to deal with my configs.

** config.scm

So to deploy my config files, appropriate symlinks are being created (for example, =~/.bashrc= is becoming a symlink to =bash/bashrc= from this repo). For this purpose (and for other useful actions, like listing available configs or removing old configuration files), I use =config.scm= script from this repo. It relies on my [[][guile modules]].

*** Examples

=config.scm= deploys (symlinks) itself to =~/bin/config= and as [[~/bin]] directory is in my PATH, I can refer to it as =config=. Although it provides "-h"/"--help" option, here are some examples anyway:

  • Clone all repositories with my configs to appropriate places and make the required symlinks:

    #+BEGIN_SRC shell config --fetch --deploy #+END_SRC

  • Display a list of names of all available configurations:

    #+BEGIN_SRC shell config -l #+END_SRC

  • Show verbose descriptions (git repositories, directories where they will cloned and symlinks that will be created during deploying) of "emacs" and "shepherd" configurations:

    #+BEGIN_SRC shell config --show emacs shepherd #+END_SRC

** Bootstrapping

After installing a new operating system, my first wish is to have all my configs deployed! So I just clone this repo and run =bootstrap= shell script which does the job for me (it downloads my guile modules and executes =config.scm= using them). There is also =help= shell script to remind me the details of bootstrapping process on a fresh system.