@nwave3 Здравствуйте! Опишите, пожалуйста, пошагово, как повторить проблему. Повторяется ли проблема, если сбросить настройки Firefox на стандартные?
@nwave3 Подскажите, пожалуйста, есть ли у вас стабильный способ повторить эту проблему? У нас повторить не получается, но мы можем, например, попробовать удаленно подключиться к вашему компьютеру и попытаться разобраться.
@Santademon @kpd328 Hello! Do you have a stable way to reproduce this problem? We can try connecting to your computer remotely and try to figure it out.
@kpd328 If the settings are cleared after every time you reopen your browser, then that would be enough to identify the problem. Please email [email protected] and include the number of...
@8227846265 Thanks! We've been planning to implement this feature for a long time. It's hard to say when we'll get to it, but we'll definitely do it!
@tadekdudek @AIKovanda Hello! Thanks, we'll think about what we can do about it.
@maeterlinckle Hello! Please check if the problem persists on the latest beta version for Firefox at We've fixed the possible problem with the memory leak there.
@maeterlinckle Does the problem still reproduce?
@maeterlinckle We'll close the issue for now. If the problem persists, please leave a comment.
@Clemens-Ratte-Polle Hello! If before watching a video, you are shown ads on a certain website, you can report it in the extension popup using the 'Report an issue' button. "Adguard...