backup-instapaper icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
backup-instapaper copied to clipboard

A script for backing up bookmarks from your Instapaper account


This is a script for backing up your bookmarks from Instapaper.

It mimics the HTML/CSV export function <>_ provided by Instapaper, but in script form.


To install this script, use pip:

.. code-block:: console

$ pip install -e git+git://

or pipsi <>_:

.. code-block:: console

$ pipsi install -e git+git://

You can use Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+.

You also need to get an OAuth key/secret for the Instapaper API. You can register for these on the Instapaper website <>_.


Run the script, passing your username, password, and API keys as command-line flags:

.. code-block:: console

$ backup_instapaper --username=USERNAME --password=PASSWORD --oauthkey=OAUTHKEY --oauthsec=OAUTHSEC

This will write your bookmarks to instapaper_bookmarks.json.

For all the options, use the --help flag:

.. code-block:: console

$ backup_instapaper --help


This script is licensed under the MIT license.