Alexandros Vasilikopoulos
Alexandros Vasilikopoulos
Hello I am using version 1.8.11 I ran the funnanotate command as follows: $ funannotate predict -i $genome -o $outdir_predict -s "species" --cpus 10 \ --protein_evidence $uniprot $uniref50 --rna_bam $rna_bam...
Hello I am trying to run the PASA training step (v. 1.8.11) with the following command but I get the following error funannotate train -i $genome --cpus 1 -o $outdir...
Dear David, I am working with a group of organisms for which I would like to infer their phylogeny. Within the group there seems to be an ancient hybridization event...
Hello, I started my analysis with 11 species but 1 species is missing from the phylogeneomics profile file and from the final binary matrix. What might be the reason for...
Hi, Thanks for developing such useful tools, I am trying to build the synteny network like below but I get this output warning see below. What might be the reason?...
**Are you using the latest release?** I am using v. 1.8.11 Hello, I have an updated annotation (funannotate update) which I subsequently modified as follows: modified scaffold names Removed some...
**Are you using the latest release?** 1.8.11 **What command did you issue?** funannotate annotate -i update_results -oannotated --eggnog $emapper_annotations --iprscan iprscan.fasta.xml --cpus 10 --busco_db metazoa **Logfiles** ``` ------------------------------------------------------- [Jul 14...
Hello I am running sambamba v. 1.0.1 from a within a docker image on the Google Cloud within nextflow. The purpose is to slice the bam file (human genome) by...
Hello, I used bcftools norm option to split multiallelic variants and to normalized indels. However, the output is an empty vcf file and only the header is printed. I am...
Could someone briefly explain the difference between these two options? Thanks a lot