airflow-gcp-examples copied to clipboard
Repository with examples and smoke tests for the GCP Airflow operators and hooks
Repository with examples and smoke tests for the GCP Airflow operators and hooks.
This Google Cloud Examples does assume you will have a standard Airflow setup up and running. This tutorial does work perfectly locally as in a production setup because the only requirement is that you have a service key, that we'll explain next. But first a quick rundown of what you need:
- Running Airflow (as of this writing you need Airflow master branch!!!)
- Create a service account (Cloud Console)
- Setup a Google Cloud Connection in Airflow
- Setup variables that the DAG's will need
- Copy the DAG's to your dags folder
Airflow setup
- Checkout master of Airflow
- pip install google-api-python-client
- python install
Make sure you're running the LocalExecutor and have a decent database setup.
Google Cloud Service Key
Next create a service account where you want your smoke tests and examples to run in. Go to the console:
And create a service key. Provision a JSON private key and give it Editor's rights
Airflow Connection
In Airflow you need to define the gcp_smoke named connection to your project:
Supply the path to the downloaded private key, supply the project_id and define the minimum scope of
Airflow Variables
You need to setup variables that are used in the examples. You can tweak them to suite your environment.
variable | example value | note |
gc_project | my-project | Project where the examples will run in |
gcq_dataset | airflow | BigQuery dataset for examples |
gcq_tempset | airflow_temp | BiqQuery dataset with 1 day retentions |
gcs_bucket | airflow-gcp-smoke | Storage bucket |
gcs_root | data | Storage root path (required, no start and end with slash) |