Word2Vec-iOS copied to clipboard
Word2Vec iOS port
Word2Vec Swift wrapper.
Original Word2Vec implementation is here. Nice alghorithm description is available on deeplearning4j documentation page.
Basic usage
Train the model
let inputURL = NSBundle.mainBundle().URLForResource("text8", withExtension: nil)
let paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true)
let documentsDirectory = paths[0]
let outputURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: documentsDirectory).URLByAppendingPathComponent("out.bin")
let model = Word2VecModel()
model.trainFile = inputURL
model.outputFile = outputURL
You can find some text corpuses and pretrained models (*.bin
) in Word2Vec-iOS/res
Use model to find connected words:
let result = model.distance("cat", numberOfClosest: 10) // Look for 10 words semantically similar to "cat".
Outputs words and similarity measure:
Optional(["bird": 0.760521, "cow": 0.766533, "dog": 0.831517, "rat": 0.748557, "blonde": 0.763721, "pig": 0.751001, "goat": 0.798104, "hamster": 0.768635, "bee": 0.774112, "llama": 0.747295])
Blonde and cat, really? hmmm...
let result = model.distance("wedding", numberOfClosest: 10)
Optional(["banquet": 0.723855, "dinner": 0.711831, "funeral": 0.772873, "madonna": 0.688461, "bride": 0.721245, "diana": 0.685946, "bedroom": 0.691792, "reunion": 0.673289, "aunt": 0.703193, "maid": 0.66286])
Find analogy:
let result = model.analogy("man woman king", numberOfClosest: 1) // (man - woman) == (king - ???)
Optional(["daughter": 0.613628, "queen": 0.707821, "empress": 0.62057, "prince": 0.611979, "elizabeth": 0.60867])
Man to woman is the same as king to queen.
Another example:
let result = model.analogy("pet toy", numberOfClosest: 1) // (pet - toy) = (???)
Optional(["partake": 0.481817, "eat": 0.502222, "allah": 0.457967, "preach": 0.49685, "marry": 0.449955])
Pet is a toy which eats. (Or the toy you can eat?)