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getting errors while converting DTButtonMenuController cocoapod to nuget package.

Open 1993gaurang opened this issue 7 years ago • 5 comments

Hi, I am getting the following errors, can you help me with this

screen shot 2018-01-12 at 3 13 05 pm

1993gaurang avatar Jan 12 '18 09:01 1993gaurang

  • close terminal
  • close xcode
  • open terminal
  • navigate to objc-automatic folder
  • run 'pod try your_pod_name' (xcode will open, don't close)
  • run 'sh bind.sh POD=your_pod_name'

worked with me

rodrigueslg avatar Jan 22 '18 18:01 rodrigueslg

@1993gaurang can you make sure you have all the prerequisites installed?

alexsorokoletov avatar Jan 23 '18 02:01 alexsorokoletov

Thank you for your response i will try the steps you suggested, however I couldn't find any specific prerequisites for this particular pod. Can you tell me what all do i need to install ?

1993gaurang avatar Jan 24 '18 07:01 1993gaurang

Hi, Tried again with your suggested steps still the same problem, please see the terminal output below.

Administrators-Mac-mini-5:objc-automatic-master gaurangsinghal$ sh bind.sh POD=DTButtonMenuController
Checking Paket version (downloading latest stable)...
Version 5.132.4 not found in cache.
Starting download from https://github.com/fsprojects/Paket/releases/download/5.132.4/paket.exe
Paket version 5.132.4
Skipping resolver for group Auto since it is already up-to-date
Skipping resolver for group Main since it is already up-to-date
/Users/gaurangsinghal/Projects/objc-automatic/objc-automatic-master/paket.lock is already up-to-date
Installing into projects:
 - Creating model and downloading packages.
 - Disk IO: 12 seconds
 - Runtime: 16 seconds
Building project with version: LocalBuild
Shortened DependencyGraph for Target Bind:
<== Bind

The running order is:
  - Bind
Running build with 1 worker
Starting Target: Bind 
List of pods: ["DTButtonMenuController"]
Sorted dependency graph: ["DTButtonMenuController"]
/Users/gaurangsinghal/Projects/objc-automatic/objc-automatic-master/pods/DTButtonMenuController/XCode does not exist.
Creating /Users/gaurangsinghal/Projects/objc-automatic/objc-automatic-master/pods/DTButtonMenuController/XCode
/Users/gaurangsinghal/Projects/objc-automatic/objc-automatic-master/pods/DTButtonMenuController/XCode already exists.
pod install
Running build failed.
System.Exception: Error during pod install
  at FSI_0005.Build.downloadPod (System.String podName) [0x000e0] in <8f9077bd4d0944939cf074300529a328>:0 
  at FSI_0005.Build.generateBindingForPod (FSI_0005.Build+Pod pod) [0x00001] in <8f9077bd4d0944939cf074300529a328>:0 
  at [email protected] (FSI_0005.Build+Pod pod) [0x00001] in <8f9077bd4d0944939cf074300529a328>:0 
  at Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.iter[T] (Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2[T,TResult] f, Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[T] x) [0x00019] in <5893d081904cf4daa745038381d09358>:0 
  at Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.ListModule.Iterate[T] (Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpFunc`2[T,TResult] action, Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1[T] list) [0x00001] in <5893d081904cf4daa745038381d09358>:0 
  at [email protected] (Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit unitVar0) [0x0014d] in <8f9077bd4d0944939cf074300529a328>:0 
  at Fake.TargetHelper+targetFromTemplate@209-1[a].Invoke (Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Unit unitVar0) [0x00001] in <5978411fccf1c534a74503831f417859>:0 
  at Fake.TargetHelper.runSingleTarget (Fake.TargetHelper+TargetTemplate`1[a] target) [0x0004b] in <5978411fccf1c534a74503831f417859>:0 

Build Time Report
Target     Duration
------     --------
Bind       Failure
Status:    Failure
mono_os_mutex_lock: pthread_mutex_lock failed with "Invalid argument" (22)
bind.sh: line 15:  1292 Abort trap: 6           mono --debug --runtime=v4.0 packages/Auto/FAKE/tools/FAKE.exe ./build.fsx $@
Administrators-Mac-mini-5:objc-automatic-master gaurangsinghal$ 

1993gaurang avatar Jan 24 '18 07:01 1993gaurang

Hi Alex i found the issue,

how can i uncomment use_framework as every time i run the command a new podfile is created and again comments use_framework

project 'EmptyProject.xcodeproj'

# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '9.0'

target 'EmptyProject' do
  # Uncomment the next line if you're using Swift or would like to use dynamic frameworks
  # use_frameworks!

  # Pods for EmptyProject
  pod 'DTButtonMenuController'

1993gaurang avatar Jan 24 '18 11:01 1993gaurang