homebridge-shelly-ng copied to clipboard
None of the Plugins support both the Shelly Plus Plug S AND the Shelly 1 PM Mini
Can someone help me?
I have a Hoobs Hub running and so far covered everything with the 2 Plugins Shelly and Shelly NG. Now I have added the new Shelly Plus Plug S and a Shelly 1PM Mini to the home and I‘m lost.
Plugin Shelly DS9 supports Shelly Plus Plug S but not the Shelly 1PM Mini - allthough listed
Plugin Shelly NG V 1.6.1 does support the Shelly 1PM MIni but - you guessed it - not the Shelly Plus PLug S
I kept the Plugins separate, so each one is running on a separate bridge.
Many thanks; Thomas.
Which v1.6.1 did use, since there is no 1.6.1 in @alexryd's repo?
Yes, sure… Here you go…
BR Thomas.
same here I have 2 Shelly Plus 1PM they work with Shelly NG from Alexryd, and I have 2 Shelly Plus PM mini they are not working
That's odd as it doesn't show up when I search for it in a vanilla homebridge instance. Maybe something hoobs-specific?
i am on homebridge using alexryd Shelly NG
But as you can see, it only shows v1.6.0 (top left corner). Why?
Guys, I mentioned in the opening-thread „Hoobs“. Please let‘s stay with that as it doesn‘t help me if there‘s anything different in another solution which is not or hardly related.
The solution for me would be either fix Shelly DS9 - so that it supports the Shelly Plus 1PM Mini as well or fix the Shelly NG so that it supports the Shelly Plus Plug S as well. Either solution is fine for me.
Many thanks 👍🙂 Thomas.
And I mentioned that there is no 1.6.1 in this (read: alexryd/homebridge-shelly-ng) repository, which is still the case. Thus you're better off asking the hoobs community for support as 1.6.1 is clearly not coming from the repository you posted in. This repository hasn't seen any commits for 2 years (c.f.).
OK understood - however, in his Plug-in he is stating to go on Github in case of issues - which I did. Is there a way to contact Alex directly?
BR Thomas.
I just got the DS9 fork to work with the Shelly 1PM Mini Gen 3.
I expect the issue is Hoobs, rather than the plugin. I wasted a lot of time with Hoobs, before junking it and moving to HomeBridge. In my experience Hoobs only works with a subset of HomeBridge plugins, as most devs only test on HomeBridge.
@ituri he is talking about cubi1337/homebridge-shelly-ds9.
I just got the DS9 fork to work with the Shelly 1PM Mini Gen 3.
I expect the issue is Hoobs, rather than the plugin. I wasted a lot of time with Hoobs, before junking it and moving to HomeBridge. In my experience Hoobs only works with a subset of HomeBridge plugins, as most devs only test on HomeBridge.
Hi David,
Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I have no experience with Homebridge and I‘m not really into programming and this stuff. This is why the Hoobs solution was perfect for me - until I started implementing these 2 new devices which have not been sufficiently supported by the existing plugins. For me it‘s not important which plugin I need to use, I would just need 1 plugin that covers all the new devices which is currently not the case - at least on Hoobs 😉 Hence I reached out to the community here in oder to get some help from Alex, but I have no other option to reach out to him.
BR Thomas.
I just got the DS9 fork to work with the Shelly 1PM Mini Gen 3. I expect the issue is Hoobs, rather than the plugin. I wasted a lot of time with Hoobs, before junking it and moving to HomeBridge. In my experience Hoobs only works with a subset of HomeBridge plugins, as most devs only test on HomeBridge.
Hi David,
Many thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I have no experience with Homebridge and I‘m not really into programming and this stuff. This is why the Hoobs solution was perfect for me - until I started implementing these 2 new devices which have not been sufficiently supported by the existing plugins. For me it‘s not important which plugin I need to use, I would just need 1 plugin that covers all the new devices which is currently not the case - at least on Hoobs 😉 Hence I reached out to the community here in oder to get some help from Alex, but I have no other option to reach out to him.
BR Thomas. hi, https://github.com/cubi1337/homebridge-shelly-ds9
works for both devicetypes
@th-lang I found HomeBridge easier to use than Hoobs after I switched.
Hi guys,
thanks for the comments and the help so far. I‘ve bought another Raspberry PI4 and I installed Homebridge… I can install the Original Shelly Plugin and it dicovers the „old“ devises - all good. Then I added the DS9 Plugin and nothing. No devices found. Same happens using the Shelly NG Plugin - no devices found. And yes I checked if the „mDNS device discovery“ is enabled. Probably I did something wrong in the setup as I have the hoobs setup running in parallel and this identifies all the devices…except the not-supported Shelly Plus Plug S - the origin issue I have….
Any ideas?
OK found the issue: I need to re-start every NG device to make it appear in the Plugin - annoing but at least something….
BR Thomas.
Hi guys,
thanks for the comments and the help so far. I‘ve bought another Raspberry PI4 and I installed Homebridge… I can install the Original Shelly Plugin and it dicovers the „old“ devises - all good. Then I added the DS9 Plugin and nothing. No devices found. Same happens using the Shelly NG Plugin - no devices found. And yes I checked if the „mDNS device discovery“ is enabled. Probably I did something wrong in the setup as I have the hoobs setup running in parallel and this identifies all the devices…except the not-supported Shelly Plus Plug S - the origin issue I have….
Any ideas?
OK found the issue: I need to re-start every NG device to make it appear in the Plugin - annoing but at least something….
BR Thomas.
Activate "Enable CoIoT" and set the IP of your Homebridge Port 5683
BR David