keyboard-layout-converter copied to clipboard
Difficulties for a Linux newbie (Ubuntu)
I am having issues running the script, I am also not sure if I got the naming correct or if you also somehow have to include the directory in it (see the attached screenshot)
I also have no idea what it means that you have to merge the files
I realized I probably need to name the subfolders (or directories I guess they are called) correctly, so I did that, but when I try to run the script it does not work with "python"
and when I try without the directories above (and with python3) I get the error "name "klcfile) is not defined"
running it with python3
seems to be fine on your system. the filename should be in quotes, i.e. input.close("...klc").
(Replace the "...klc" with your filename, but keep the quotes)
Edit: new error textiowrapper takes no arguments
Am I not naming the .xkb file correctly? i just want to get the xkb file now I don't care where it goes or what it is called
I also tried with a slash before, the apostrophes also don't make a difference
oh sorry, I didn't look properly. this line should not be changed. just these two (you see the quotes?):
output = open(r"US - international - custom - nodeadkeys - greek.xkb","w")
input = open(r"US - international - custom - nodeadkeys - greek.klc", encoding="utf-16")
So you should not have close, but open? And what does the r mean? That is what I meant! It would be really helpful to have an example of what to input like let's say a file in the Downloads directory
input.close(Home/daniel/Downloads/NorUltiNov2021.klc) output.close(Home/daniel/Downloads/NorUltiLinuxNov2021.xkb)
edit: I see what you mean, it is the one where output is over input.
I'm still getting an error
maybe the
should not be there?
output = open(r"Home/daniel/Downloads/NorUlti10LinuxNov2021.xkb","w") input = open(r"Home/daniel/Downloads/NorUlti10Nov2021.klc", encoding="utf-16")
r is raw string. I dont think there will be much difference in most cases.
You see it says "no such file or directory", which means that your file path is wrong, you need to figure this out. If I were to guess it would be /home/daniel...
(with the first slash, also upper/lowercase matters)
well first off, do I leave the international - custom text in the front ?
output = open(r"US - international - custom - nodeadkeys - NorUlti10Nov2021ctl.xkb","w") input = open(r"US - international - custom - nodeadkeys - NorUlti10Nov2021.klc", encoding="utf-16")
and do I need to state the directories if I have the .klc file in the same directory as the script?
Now I am getting this error
edit: this is with the correct directories :
remove it - just the filename. Same directory is good.
that's what I am confused about, remove what exactly? do I not need this? /home/daniel ``
r is raw string. I dont think there will be much difference in most cases.
You see it says "no such file or directory", which means that your file path is wrong, you need to figure this out. If I were to guess it would be
(with the first slash, also upper/lowercase matters)
put the path of your file inside the quotes (nothing else), leave everything outside the quotes.
This worked, turned out the problem was that home was home with small letters and not capital letters.
to whoever's reading this, remember to check the properties of your .klc file to get the proper file path!
Now I have the .xkb file (finally! :)) I tried looking at the sites you linked to in the README document, but I couldn't find any specific instructions as to what "merging" you were talking about. I can't seem to just add the lines of codes to the bottom as I don't have the permissions to do so
Two of the links referred to in the readme doc seem to not be working. I found this page
But here I also don't understand if this merging is something you do in the terminal. I don't understand these two last steps
I tried reading through Karol's blog too
Though I have the same issue there, I don't get where I am supposed to paste the generated xkb code, or how to merge it
I've been trying to figure it out and I've watched some videos and read some posts, but it's still unclear to me how you actually edit the
layout definitions are in the /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols directory,
layout metadata are in the /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.xml file.
and how you actually add the converted .xkb data into an existing layout. No matter what directory I go into I don't have the permission to change the keyboard layout code it seems.
To whoever's reading this; the answer is to edit the file as root. The easiest way is using the terminal: navigate to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols and edit the file from command line.
If you don't know any conmand line editors, your best bet is nano: use sudo nano us (if you want to edit the us file)