jsxbin-encoder icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
jsxbin-encoder copied to clipboard

Encodes the selected JSX to JSXBIN.

JSXBIN encoder (Atom package)

For VSCode, see VS Code Adobe Development Utils extension ( GitHub ).

Encodes the selected JSX to JSXBIN. For encoding, it uses the @esdebug module from ExtendScript Debugger.

jsxbin-encoder demo encoding


  • Via apm
apm install jsxbin-encoder
  • From Atom
    • Settings > Install > Search packages for jsxbin-encoder.
    • Click Install and then reload Atom.
  • From GitHub
    • Download the latest release and extract the archive directly to /users/YOUR_USERNAME/.atom/packages.
    • Run npm install.


  • Select a piece of your JSX.
  • Then do one of the following:
    • For Encoding:
      • Press Ctrl + Alt + Q on Windows or Cmd + Alt + Q on Mac.
      • Right click and choose Encode to JSXBIN.
      • From Atom's menu: Packages > JSXBIN encoder > Encode to JSXBIN.


  • Script obfuscation before the JSXBIN encoding.
  • Script analysis - a notification will pop-up:
    • if the script might become slower to process (hardcoded: a percentage of eval uses out of the total number of script lines)
    • if the selection already contains JSXBIN encoded lines
    • if the scripting language isn't supported (.js, .jsx, .jsxinc and .jsxbin only)
  • Auto-complete selections:
    • the JSX selection will be updated automatically so that the entire start and end lines are being completely selected


  • JS multi-line comment:
    • Description: comments the selection, in a multi-line comment style.
    • Keyboard shortcut: Alt + C
  • JS multi-line uncomment:
    • Description:
      • uncomments the selected multi-line comment.
      • you can simply move the cursor inside a multi-line comment block and run the utility (no need to select the entire block).
    • Keyboard shortcut: Alt + X


  • Grow selection: Automatically grow the selection to the beginning and end of each selected line. Default: true
    • You can select incomplete lines and the selection will be grown automatically to the beginning and end of each line.
    • For a single line, no selection is required; the entire line will be selected automatically.
  • Encoding:
    • Obfuscate: Obfuscate the selection before encoding it to JSXBIN. Uses javascript-obfuscator. Default: false
    • eval() position: Insert the eval method above or under the selection. Default: under
    • Quotes: Use single or double quotes inside the eval method. Default: single
  • Comments:
    • Auto-fold: Auto-fold the newly commented selection. Default: true
    • Style: Use single-line or multi-line comment style to comment-out the newly encoded selection. Default: multi-line
  • Messages:
    • Disable notifications: Choose whether to show or not a pop-up notification after each completed task. Default: false
    • Disable warnings: Choose whether to show or not a pop-up warning, if the script processing time might increase or if the current language isn't supported. Default: false

Final notes

  • Don't overuse it! 😎

