Alexander Wenzel
Alexander Wenzel
No answer, consider it is already solved. Please reopen if needed.
Replaced by QT 6 support code changes #324
Replaced by QT 6 support code changes #324
Qt does not provide any class/library to unzip files. Will not integrate any dependency to external libraries. DLT files must be unziped before opened with DLT Viewer.
@gobater Still an issue? Very old ticket.
@darkreeper Looks like a bug/crash to me. Can you provide more information when this happens? Best would be to build and run the DLT Viewer in Debug mode, so that...
@MaxMagazin I am using the Qt Creator to build the DLT Viewer with Debug symbols and start in Debug Mode. But i am using DLT Viewer mainly on Windows platform.
@MaxMagazin I am using QtCreator. You can open the DLT Viewer project with the .pro file in the Qt Creator and then select the Target build and then start with...
@Kayson-1994 @15031619 Please close ticket if issue is solved.
@BennoSchebitz You are right, the import functions like import stream are not usable from commandline. This functionality must be added.