Alexandre Faustino
Alexandre Faustino
Failed to load resource file:///home/alexandre/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-minimap/Minimap.js [Extension] failed to load /home/alexandre/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-minimap - Module does not exist: file:///home/alexandre/.config/Brackets/extensions/user/brackets-minimap/Minimap.js /utils/ExtensionLoader.js:220 errback /utils/ExtensionLoader.js:220 NodeSocketTransport - start
Ok, thanks!
Hi @kgilmer I'm not sure how it should be implemented, I think it would help making the transition from default Gnome dock to i3. Maybe a new tab here? (not...
Thanks! I will try that.
@bsweeney do you have an estimated date for the next minor release? Just trying to align it with our planning. Thanks for all the hard work!
Is there a deadline for this implementation?
Well, at least i do.
Hi, i haven't used much because it's not there, but i'm seeing using this. Anyway i understand your concerns ;)