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List of the domains of UK IT recruiters & some scripts for processing it.
List of the domains of UK IT recruiters & some scripts for processing it.
I get a torrent of email from IT recruiters. Some of them contain well-targeted, intelligble specs for jobs I might actually want. Most don't, and I don't want them clogging up my inbox.
Maintaining a list of domains they send email from makes it easy to filter messages into their own folder. It's easy to process the list into formats suitable for different mail systems: gmail and sieve rulesets are currently supported and contributions for others are welcome.
Google Mail
GMail support is achieved via filters, you can import gmailFilters.xml
, which is generated by running scripts/domains2gmail.rb
, from the filters page in the interface.
# ./scripts/domains2gmail.rb
# ls -l gmailFilters.xml
-rw-r--r-- 1 mock mock 13501 3 Dec 11:30 gmailFilters.xml
A few things worth noting:
- Filters have a max query length, so we break them up into chunks of 70.
- By default we add a "Recruitment" label and archive any matches, you'll probably want to edit the filters created.
- If you reimport the filters, the originals remain.
- Update the XML based on domains.txt by running
There are two ways to do this.
Checkout the project from GitHub, add your line to domains.txt and send a pull request with it in. Please try to keep the sorting correct and add only the domain, not a full email address.
is good; [email protected]
is bad.
Use the '' script. This takes care of duplicate checking & sorting and automatically strips any username@ portion of the string you feed it. Also it's smart enough to push your changes back to GitHub if you ask it to.
MockAir13:uk-it-recruiter-domains mock$ ./scripts/ [email protected]
domain extracted from email address:
Adding '' to domains.txt
Don't forget to commit & push to GitHub
MockAir13:uk-it-recruiter-domains mock$ ./scripts/ -p [email protected]
domain extracted from email address:
Adding '' to domains.txt
...commits & pushes to GitHub
- Domains all in lowercase (
lowercases them automatically) - One domain per line
- No leading/trailing whitespace
- Check every domain you add is really a recruitment agency. Consultancies, email providers (e.g. gmail) and internal recruiters at big companies don't count.
## Alternatives
Recruiter Ham is a fledgling project to build a reputation system for recruiters with an easy-to-use gmail interface.