NIfTI-Image-Converter copied to clipboard
🖼 A lightweight neuroimaging .nii to .png converter for Matlab and Python users
The output image dimension for coronal and sagittal (x and y axis) were all squeezed to incorrect shape. In my case, the 512x512 image becomes 512x120. Is there any way...
thank you for the code When I convert the images, I get a black image.png. I have no idea why i am getting a black picture. Can anyone help me?...
Hi, First of all thanks for writing such awesome code for helping others. Now let's come to my problem. I was trying to use your code for my research. I...
I am working in Google colaboratory I installed using pip install nii2png command, i was able to do it successfully. then i ran $ python3 -i /content/MICCAI_BraTS_2019_Data_Training/HGG/BraTS19_2013_10_1/BraTS19_2013_10_1_flair.nii -o /content/output_nifti_png/...
Hi there! I noticed in your nii2png matlab program there was an error on line 173. You forgot to change the increment name from i to current_slice causing it to...
Hello, I was trying to use that script for an output image of ANTS. My nifti file is 2D (only has 1 slice). Maybe one can add this functionallty Thank...
hi am using the matlab code and i want to get images with 3 channels (RGB images) instead of grayscale images, how should i change the code to do this...
I am trying to install it using admin and facing following problem ! Collecting shutil (from nii2png) Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement shutil (from nii2png) (from...