hashnode-next icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
hashnode-next copied to clipboard

The fastest way to go headless with Hashnode. Beautifully simple Hashnode starter-kit powered by Next.js and shadcn/ui.

Results 4 hashnode-next issues
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**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently, the embeds from the Hashnode editor aren't rendered as embeds but as normal links. Hashnode next: ![image](https://github.com/alexkates/hashnode-next/assets/33025940/0afc7389-02fe-4fb6-ae6b-f1a5b0b03350) **Describe the...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** [src/hashnode/generated](https://github.com/alexkates/hashnode-next/tree/main/src/hashnode/generated) is really a build artifact that is needed at runtime. It's generated from running `pnpm codegen`. **Describe the solution...

help wanted