Alex Justesen

Results 90 comments of Alex Justesen

Just for clarification because I'm in a fog this week, you'd want a link to Ookla's page not the record from the results table correct?

I "think" I like the idea of driving the traffic back to the application over Ookla directly. This way when I support additional speedtest tools I don't have to account...

> Should be an env var to change that. 😉

PRs welcome to the docs repo:

So, I'm thinking aloud here but about showing the following metrics on the dashboard... 1. ~~% increase/decrease for download/upload/ping vs. the last test~~, #247 2. 24h and 1 week averages...

I'm not planning to go too crazy on charting but I do want to provide quick insights and value for the bulk of the users. When getting into complex charting...

> 1. % increase/decrease for download/upload/ping vs. the last test added in #247

Oh I agree, I'm going to add the 2nd item in the coming weeks and I'll likely close this issue after that.

> This app is really awesome and a nice "upgrade" over others that are available but outdated on unRAID. Would love to have discord notifications. Is it possible? Discord is...

> I've installed today this one on my unRAID server. > Right after I posted that I saw someone created the app, nice to see the unRAID community here!