react-fitted-image copied to clipboard
React component for image handling with object-fit
Pictures are always difficult to handle in web page, especially in a responsive way. A well-known workaround is to style the img tag with something like this:
img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
This method works well, but there is a lot of cases where it's not sufficient. Fortunately CSS introduced some times ago the "object-fit" property, improving the way we can handle image displaying. The current component provides an easy react binding to display images with object-fit property.
In addition, you can provide a loader which will be displayed during the image processing by the browser.
Object-fit is well supported by browsers but not all of them for now ( see Caniuse ). To work on stuffs like IE, a basic test is done with CSS.supports to provide a fallback based on "background" CSS property.
npm install --save react-fitted-image
Property | Type | Description | Default value | Required |
background | bool | Force the component to use the CSS bacground properties | false | no |
className | string | Custom classname for the component | _ | no |
fit | string | Value of the object-fit property. Can be "auto", "contain", or "cover" | "auto" | no |
loader | element | Component to use as loader | _ | no |
onLoad | function | Success callback for image loading | _ | no |
onError | function | Error callback for image loading | _ | no |
src | string | Image url to render | _ | yes |
style | object | Custom styles | {} | no |
onLoad={(...args) => console.log(...args)}
onError={(...args) => console.log(...args)}