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Ansible playbook for automated HDP 2.x deployment install with Kerberos
“ASAP. Whatever that means. It must mean, 'Act swiftly awesome pachyderm!'”
Ansible Playbooks to install Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) using Ambari Blueprints. Currently the Playbooks install an MIT KDC and resulting cluster is fully kerberised.
This has been tested against CentOS6 and CentOS7 in Vagrant.
- Preinstalled HDP boxes now available for Virtualbox (should considerably speed up cluster creation time).
- Kerberos now deployed optionally during blueprint build. Specify it as a service in: group_var/all (Only available Ambari 2.2.1+ due to AMBARI-14409, use the old deployment method if a lower Ambari version is needed)
- Ranger now deployed as an optional service
- Ranger SSL now optional. Check ssl_services in group_var/all
- Namenode HA now optional by specifying namenode in ha_services in group_var/all
Getting started
The inventory file is expected in be in a format similar to the example: example.
All hosts must be in a clustername group, in the appropriate services group and a clustername_service group.
Alternatively, you can use one of the instance creation methods below and use an included dynamic inventory (e.g.
Creating instances
To use these scripts with Vagrant, change directory into inventories/vagrant, modify the vagrant.json file to your liking, export both OS and HDP version and run vagrant up
. Make sure the hostnames are resolvable from the ansible host (hint: place entries in /etc/hosts).
cd inventories/vagrant
export OS_VERSION=centos6
vagrant up
You can check and edit the available boxes in boxes.json.
Most configuration is done through the group_vars files.
For now, users can be configured in the vars/users.yml file and KDC credentials can be configured in the vars/kdc_config file.
Services can be configured in the group_vars/all file. Currently only Kerberos, Ranger, Spark, HBase, Oozie, Falcon, Storm and Kafka are optional services. All others are mandatory.
Ranger admin and admin<->plugins can now be optionally SSL'd by using setting ssl_services: group_vars/all
Running the Playbook
ansible-playbook -i inventories/vagrant/ pb_provision_cluster.yml -e 'cluster_name=vagrantcluster'
Currently, users are managed in an OpenLDAP server and their credentials are stored in an MIT KDC. Unix authentication is done by SSSD using KDC5.
- [ ] Build blueprints dynamically (j2) depending on services requested
- [ ] FreeIPA support (alternative to MIT KDC)
- [x] OpenLDAP when using KDC (no local users)
- [x] Ranger
- [ ] RangerKMS, Knox and other advanced services support
- [ ] Pull implementations in library modules to shared Ambari python class
- [x] CentOS 7 support
- [ ] AWS support
- [ ] OpenStack support
- [ ] Azure support
- [x] NTP
- [ ] Make use of config_recommendation_strategy For Ambari version >= 2.2.0
Copyright (c) 2016 Alex Bush.
Licensed under the Apache License.