Alexander Hoen
Alexander Hoen
this was just a quick fix. I will look deeper into it to provide a more stable fix.
I found some time to look at this issue again and my initial claims were somehow false. The problem is that the problem is "numerical ill-conditioned" in that sense that...
For primal presolving this issue is not fixed with merge-commit 72aa8c41. The constraint is scaled after substituting the variable in the objective. Feel free to reopen the issue if issue...
Thanks for your analysis. It makes sense to allow storing presolve-reductions even if PaPILO is built without any solver. I fixed this, so now you should be able to get...
You might be right. If you working with a certain format it becomes "standard" within time. Awesome that you have written down the specification. Do you want to open a...
I revised the your log slightly and added also a section for the basis format, which should help also. Thanks a lot. If you do not have further remarks I...