aes_crypt copied to clipboard
ECB without IV
The following code isn't possible ...
crypt.aesSetKeys(keyBytes, Uint8List(0));
The only way was copy the project and comment the line below:
void aesSetKeys(Uint8List key, [Uint8List iv]) {
if (![16, 24, 32].contains(key.length)) {
throw AesCryptArgumentError('Invalid key length for AES. Provided ${key.length * 8} bits, expected 128, 192 or 256 bits.');
} else if (_aesMode != AesMode.ecb && iv.isNullOrEmpty) {
throw AesCryptArgumentError('The initialization vector is not specified. It can not be empty when AES mode is not ECB.');
} else if (iv.length != 16) {
// throw AesCryptArgumentError('Invalid IV length for AES. The initialization vector must be 128 bits long.');