OPTICS_Clustering copied to clipboard
MATLAB Implementation of the OPTICS unsupervised clustering algorithm
##OPTICS CLUSTERING## This MATLAB function computes a set of clusters based on the algorithm introduced in Figure 19 of Ankerst, Mihael, et al. "OPTICS: ordering points to identify the clustering structure." ACM Sigmod Record. Vol. 28. No. 2. ACM, 1999.
Written by Alex Kendall University of Cambridge 18 Feb 2015 http://mi.eng.cam.ac.uk/~agk34/
This software is licensed under GPLv3, see included glpv3.txt.
points - input points to cluster where each point is a separate row and the columns are data dimensions
minpts - the minimum points required to form a cluster
epsilon - a percentage threshold to make a cluster
SetOfClusters - a struct containing each cluster's start and end index
RD - each point's reachability distance
CD - each point's core distance
order - the order of points in the reachability graph
Dependencies: This function requires optics.m from Michal Daszykowski's implementation of calculating the reachability distance for all points. For more details, refer to http://chemometria.us.edu.pl/index.php?goto=downloads