verilog-ethernet copied to clipboard
UDP data loss after storing the header. The data is not getting stored in the temp buffer even if the ready is enabled.

I see no issues in the trace. Going to need some more context.
Edit: Ah, maybe the first byte is getting dropped (tready low, tvalid high, tdata changes). This is coming out of the core UDP stack?
Yes. There is a byte missing. The output is from the udp core. When the tready is low, the data has to be stored in a temp buffer and then put that temp data to output when tready is high. But that is not happening here.
I think I might have fixed the problem; try again with the latest git version and let me know if you're still seeing the same issue.
Dear alex,
The issue is not yet fixed. Please note the attached image, you can see that store_udp_payload_axis_temp_to_output is not high due to which we are having a byte loss.

the s_ip_payload_axis_tready_reg is not getting low in the next cyxle after the s_ip_payoad_axis_tready_next. Please check the supporting image for the mentioned.

What the heck, s_ip_payload_axis_tready_next goes low, but s_ip_payload_axis_tready_reg does not follow one cycle later like it's supposed to.
Is this an ILA trace or a simulation trace? If it's an ILA trace, did Vivado report any timing violations? If it's a simulation trace, how are you generating the clock signal in the testbench?
Its a Simulation trace. I am using xilinx gigabit ethernet ip. That ip is generating the required axis clock which i am feeding to stack. In Ip_rx its working as it should, but in udp it is not.
Where is m_udp_payload_axis_tready coming from?
I am using a example design of vcu118 where the udp packet is being looped back. I even tried tieing the ready pin with 1. The same issue occured.
Unmodified example design? Interesting, I will take a closer look at how the loopback logic is set up. So far it seems to be some sort of simulation race condition, possibly it is some difference between icarus verilog and the Vivado simulator, but that could indicate that some portion of the HDL needs some reworking.
No. The loopback logic which checks for the udp source port and loopsback using the fifo is taken without any modifications. I have put them in the top file where i have made input and output declarations which will connect to the ethernet phy. The RGMII interface and phy reset signals. But for the loopback, the logic is used as it is from the example design. I am sending a sample packet from my pattern generator to the gigabit ip through transmit path and the receiver path is connected to udp stack.
The ip_rx module also have the same logic similar to the udp_rx except for the header decoding logic. The ip_rx is working good but udp_rx didnt. I am not sure why that happens. Please let me know if i am doing any mistake in simulation of the code.
Please try replacing
assign m_udp_payload_axis_tready_int_early = m_udp_payload_axis_tready || (!temp_m_udp_payload_axis_tvalid_reg && (!m_udp_payload_axis_tvalid_reg || !m_udp_payload_axis_tvalid_int));
assign m_udp_payload_axis_tready_int_early = !temp_m_udp_payload_axis_tvalid_reg && (!m_udp_payload_axis_tvalid_reg || m_udp_payload_axis_tready);
and let me know if that changes anything.
No, there is no change. still tready_reg does not go low after the tready_next goes low.

Well, in that case I think I need to be able to run your testbench on my end to figure out what the simulation issue is. Please see if you can replicate the issue with the unmodified example design, that way all you need to do is send me the top-level testbench that I can run in Vivado.
I will try to replicate the issue using the unmodified example design. So that i can provide the top level file.
I replicated only the UDP complete block with the loopback function enabled, that was able provide the output properly. But in the replicated design, the udp_hdr_reg is high untill the tlast of the udp payload. But in the integrated design, the hdr_valid is high for only one cycle and goes low
image for the hdr valid untill the tlast of udp payload

image for the hdr valid untill the tlast of udp payload (integrated design)