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protobuf-objc copied to clipboard

Google Protocol Buffers for Objective-C

Results 18 protobuf-objc issues
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Will you support new protobuf 3.0 ?


I have just installed Anaconda 3 on a fresh installed Ubuntu 20.04. The `conda` version is 4.9.2. The issue I am experiencing is related to completion inside `ipython` (version 7.19.0)....

Xcode 9.3 (9E145) will set the CLANG_WARN_OBJC_IMPLICIT_RETAIN_SELF to YES as part of it's "update project settings" step and this is the default when creating new projects as well.

``` #if GPB_USE_PROTOBUF_FRAMEWORK_IMPORTS #import #else #import "GPBProtocolBuffers.h" #endif ``` This code is in Svga.pbobjc.h file. I failed to build my project until I change the P in Protobuf into p....

fatal error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [-ferror-limit=] 20 errors generated. make[2]: *** [objc_helpers.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1 make: *** [all] Error 2

I'm having protobuf 3.4.1 currently installed but now i need objective-c support too. So i've cloned repo, built and installed protobuf-objc using ./scripts/ as described. Anyway there is some problem...

./google/protobuf/descriptor.pb.h:17:2: error: This file was generated by an older version of protoc which is

Could you update runtime for new features? For example, [here]( you could use error as an indicator for failures. `parseData:(NSData *)data withError:(NSError **)error;` is essential. ( no exceptions! )

"repeated" fields with 0 elements should produce empty NSArray, not nil Because currently that "nil" value for empty arrays lead to crash-prone logic.